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✧・ ゚: *✧・゚:*

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✧・ ゚: *✧・゚:*

"Never in my life have I heard of such boyish  behaviour!"

Genevieve slowly bit down into the gingerbread biscuit Professor McGonagall had offered her, occupying herself so she didn't laugh.

The woman stood in front of her, a scowl toying at her lips and her eyes narrowed at the girl. The Slytherins had taken the liberty of snitching on her to the prefects as soon as they caught sight of Snape's bloody (and rumoured to be disfigured) nose. McGonagall had been informed on the incident, and as soon as the feast had finished, she had whisked Genevieve away to her office without listening to a word of the girls protests.

"No, Minnie! You don't want to do this!" James had cried and wrapped his arms around Genevieve tightly. "Don't take her, she's innocent!"

It had taken the professor a while to pry her from James's grip.

"What were you thinking? Assaulting another student!" McGonagall asked disbelievingly.

"I think that he deserved it," Genevieve said with a mouthful of biscuit. "I would have lynched the dodgy sod if I could of—"

"Miss Lewis!" McGonagall exasperated tiredly.

"I was provoked!"

"You behaved recklessly!"

"I behaved rightfully," Genevieve retorted. "If you had been there you'd have offered him out for a scrap n'all."

McGonagall folded her hands in front of her, fixing the girl with a disagreeing stare at the statement. "What exactly did Snape do to provoke you?" she asked.

Genevieve stuffed the last of her biscuit into her mouth. "Harassed Lily, insulted James, completely humiliated me, exposed Remus's... condition to Lily and then decided to top it all off by calling me a Mudblood," she said, not stuttering over a single word or pausing to think.

"10 points to Gryffindor."

✧・ ゚: *✧・゚:*

Gryffindor students had entered their common room with full stomachs and smiles etched on their faces. Yes, they were back at school, and yes, that meant they had to resume gruelling away at homework, but being in a place such as Hogwarts lessened the effect.

The five friends sat on the sofas around the fireplace as always and chatted mindlessly about anything that held the slightest of interest to them. Well, three of them talked. The other two were sat together on a sofa, her legs thrown over his, as she listened to him read quietly. Their conversation halted abruptly, however, when Lily approached them all with a nervous smile playing at her lips.

"Hello," she said, her voice strangely tight.

"Radiant as ever, Evans," James grinned and rose his hand to tousle his hair, but halfway through he rethought it and dropped his hand back to his lap.

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