She then saw herself rush over to her when she'd got home from work. If I hadn't come home when Kyle had told me to, I dread to think what state Tessa would have been in? Maybe she would not even be here? I can't think like that now though she thought, she's very much alive thank goodness. Bowie, let's hope you'll have your mama here to comfort you soon. After she had made sure Bowie had fallen asleep for the night, she went back down and had some good wholesome chicken soup her mom Dena had made from scratch. That was delicious said Mariah making her mom smile. Your chicken soup is legendary. It is a great family comforter that's for sure said, Dena. I know this might be selfish Cindy and Carl, but do you mind if I go back to the hospital on my own tonight?

Carl looked at Cindy, and Cindy nodded at him. Not at all Mariah, we love our daughter, but we're getting a bit old for lounging around on uncomfortable hospital chairs for the night. But is it ok if we come first thing in the morning though? Did they say she might wake up once they have taken the blood clot out? Actually, they didn't say anything about that said Mariah I'm just willing her to open her eyes, and I want to be there for it. It's been over a week since the accident happened and I'm hoping that once they remove it, it will help her to wake up. Let's hope so said Cindy. And I want you all there first thing in the morning, I don't want to stop any of you from coming whenever you want. We all know that Mariah. Mariah looked over at Frank. I guess that look is to ask me to take you back to the hospital? Yes please dad, I'm sorry if you've made yourself comfy for the night? It's ok he said as he smiled at her and went and got the car keys. On her way out Dena gave Mariah a flask of the chicken soup and some fresh coffee in another one. Thank's mom I shall enjoy these at some point during the night. She kissed everyone goodnight before going out into the cool night air.

Once at the hospital, she kissed her dad goodbye and headed in. I hope she wakes up for you tonight said her dad before she exited the car. I've got everything crossed for a miracle dad. When she got back to the ICU, she walked in to find an empty room. She was just about to run out to find out what had happened to Tessa when two burly porters wheeled Tessa's bed into the room. Mariah could she that her antibiotic IV was no longer attached to her anymore. She was still however attached to the heart monitor and the breathing tube was still in. Also, her whole head was covered in a huge bandage after the operation. Following the porters into the room were Nate and Elena. Is everything okay? asked Mariah. Yes very much okay said Nate she's doing very well. Good signs are coming from her brain activity since we removed the clot, so it's just a waiting game now to see how she responds to the operation and we have everything crossed she'll hopefully wake up. Mariah hugged them both before they left.

Hi you, she said to Tessa once they were alone. Now the operation is done, all you have to do now is heal and open those wonderful eyes of yours so I can see that look that I fell in love with. Nobody looks at me the way you do Tessa, so please start to come back to me, I feel lost without you and I'm sure if Bowie could talk he'd say the same and just tell you how much he loves you and that he misses his mama. Mariah gave the family a quick call and gave them an update before they all headed for bed. That's wonderful news said Cindy and Dena together. It does sound like Nate and Elena are happy with the way things have gone? said Carl They are very happy said Mariah they have also taken out the IV that was giving her the antibiotics too, she obviously still has the tube in to help her breathe and the heart monitor is still there. But they did say she has good signals coming from her brain, so we have hope.

The next thing she has to do is start waking out of the coma so that the breathing tube can come out. Well, we will see you first thing tomorrow said Frank, Night love, night everyone. Mariah walked back into the room and kissed Tessa on the lips and said everyone says goodnight and they will see you in the morning love of my life. She kissed Tessa again before settling herself down in the reclining chair for the night. She grabbed the blankets and wrapped them around her and then reached out for Tessa's hand to hold while she drifted off to sleep. Mariah was woken around four with the realization that Tessa was trying to squeeze her hand, she was also trying to cough. Mariah rang the alarm and a team of nurses swung into action. Firstly they checked all Tessa's vitals like blood pressure etc, then they started to remove the tube they had put in to help Tessa with her breathing.

This scared the crap out of Mariah. What if she can't breathe on her own? asked Mariah It's ok Mariah said one of the nurses will be monitoring her progress, if she shows any sign of distress at all we will be putting the tube back in. Oh okay said Mariah feeling a bit more reassured. She squeezed Tessa's hand so she knew she was there by her side, this seemed to calm her down as the nurses were telling her what they were doing and for her to stay calm while they did the rest. When it came to the part of taking the tube right out, Tessa was coughing quite a bit, so every time she coughed the nurses used that to pull the tube out slowly, further, and further until eventually, it was all out. Mariah whispered into Tessa's ear, Ok slowly breath in and breath out that's it you've got this. Mariah was smiling at Tessa's chest going up and down.

One of the nurses gave her the okay signal, which meant Mariah could breathe a huge sigh of relief. She was hoping once the tube was out Tessa would open her eyes, but she didn't open them, they remained firmly shut. Which Mariah was a little disappointed with. Why won't she open her eyes? Mariah questioned. We have no idea at the moment said one of the head nurses, they will do more scans on her brain, etc later on today. When everyone had left Mariah sat down in the chair. It's great that you've managed to get rid of that tube at long last, and I know you are working so hard to come back to me bit by bit, but I'm getting worried because you've been asleep for so long now and you know what an anxious mess I can get myself into. I just need you to work that little bit harder for me, so that I can see those beautiful green eyes of yours again. "Tessa" Mariah squealed as she felt Tessa's hand squeeze around her's. A nurse rushed in, Is everything okay Mariah? Yes! Yes! She just squeezed my hand! Oh wow, well like we said from the beginning just keep talking to her and hopefully, she will keep improving and before you know it she'll be chatting away to you again. Oh, now that would be something said, Mariah. 

Dena, Frank, Carl, Cindy, and Bowie arrived at the hospital at seven. Mariah was startled to see them so early. Is something wrong with Bowie? No why? asked Dena. You're here earlier than I thought you would be that's all. Yeah! this little guy was awake at six, and to be honest, we're all a little anxious. Oh my god said Cindy rather loudly, they've taken the tube out. When did that happen? Err about four this morning, she started to cough so they took it out and she's been good ever since. Is she awake? asked Carl. No, I'm sorry to say, but they want to do more scans this morning to make sure there is no reason for her not to wake up. But the other good news is, I felt her squeeze my hand said Mariah matter of factly. She did? asked Frank Yeah! It was only for a few seconds, but she definitely did it. Well, that should give us all some more hope? After the doctors had done all the scans etc later that morning, Elena and Nate came in to tell them all, that there was nothing else they could see from the results that would stop Tessa from waking up. Everyone sighed with relief again. I think you should all go into the room with Bowie said Elena It might stimulate her enough to wake up. Later on in the evening, Bowie started to cry, I think it's time to take this one home said, Dena. Just then out of nowhere Tessa asked for the crying to stop!

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