Welcome to the house of torture

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A cat with brown fur and emerald green eyes waves at you frenetically , in green smoke the cat disappears living there a girl with brown curly hair and green eyes. She was dressed in a green military jacket , brown trousers and brown boots , she had a small top hat with two ribbons .
'Salut ! Welcome my darling to the House of Truth Or Dare ( aka torture ) . I am your host Fang !'
You couldn't help but notice the cat ears that blend perfectly with her hair and the cat tail .
'You must be (Y/N) ! My special guest , welcome, please enter ...'
Fang was pointing to big white house that was floating on an island .
'How you get there ?' You asked looking at Fang who was smiling rather creepily at you .
'Simply imagine you are there ! ' She said as she disappeared in a puff of green smoke .
'How am I supposed to do that !? ' You screamed at Fang who was in front of the house now .
You closed your eyes feeling smoke surrounding you . You opened them to see the wired neko hostess smirking .
'A bit impatient aren't we today , you imagined yourself being in the house , how rude of you (Y/N) not to wait for your friend '
'Sorry... ' You said feeling embarrassed by Fang's statement.
'Not to worry ' she waved her hand dismissively 'Take a sit now , will you '
You looked around you and saw to sofas .
On one of them was sitting/floating a dirty-blonde haired girl with stunning brown-red eyes , she was smirking showing her fangs while holding a cup of what looked suspiciously like blood . She was wearing a blue and brown hoodie with black booty shorts and blue snickers . You decided to sit on the other sofa because she ended her drink and now she was eyeing your neck . You glanced behind you to see another girl with light brown hair caught up in a bun wearing a white sleeveless dress and white sandals She smiled kindly to you you her eyes glowed an intense chocolate brown making you feel instantly relaxed . She had a pair of big wings on her back . She was an angel ! You smiled happily at her .
' I see you made friends with Ana
that is not a surprise she has that effect on people ' she said from ... her floating chair ?
'Hi !' said Ana sharing a bit of her chocolate with you.
'Sup' said Ramona taking a look at you than turning back to her glass of blood who somehow full again.
She had a menacingly aura but a tricky one too.
'Why am i here ?' you asked
'Cuz from now you will be our guest to our show' said Ramona smiling like an insane killer.
'Don't mind her , it will be fun' said Ana reassuringly.
'Shhh now guys , Ramona please take our guests from Blue Exorcist now'
Ramona nods and rushes out at an insane speed with her glass filled yet again .
'(Y/N) could you please read whats on the paper ? '
'Uh ... sure : Please send truths or dares to the characters from Blue Exorcist and Fang Ramona and Ana ! Thanks ! ... Was that good ?'
' Yes my darling (Y/N)'

Truth or Dare Anime style Blue ExorcistOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant