It's the morning of heading back to Hogwarts and I did not expect to get shaken awake by Aunt Zabini. What with her constant visits to give me fashion advice I began calling her Auntie. "What are you doing here?" I ask still groggy from waking up. "I'm here to get you ready to dazzle everyone the moment you are seen in public. I finally have something to work with now as well." "Rude." I mutter only earning me an amused grin. "Get up come on." I groan getting out of bed a very big pout on my face. "Told you she wasn't a morning person." My mother comments from my door. "She still woke me up anyway." I huff. Both women ignore me as Auntie grabs a gorgeous skin-tight black dress that goes till my mid-thigh with full sleeves. She adds a very large black coat that I was told to wear off my shoulders and gives me thigh-high, high-heeled boots. I looked like I was a model and was about to walk a runway. When I tried to voice my concerns I was told, "It's better to be the best-dressed person than the underdressed one." When I walk into the dining room for breakfast both Matteo and my dad do a double-take. "Are you sure you're not walking a Paris runway instead of going to school?" Matteo comments. "Oh leave her alone it's time she started acting like a crowned princess. She's not a little girl anymore." Auntie remarks taking a seat at the table. Once I began walking through the crowds of people many parted like last time but many more stared. I was beginning to get more confident as my ego got bigger from the shocked and awe-struck faces people were making. Many gawked at me as I passed and I just knew that I was never going to be left alone by Matteo or Draco the entire year. Exchanging quick goodbyes with my parents and Missus Zabini Matteo and I got on to the train looking for our friends. While walking the Gryffindor trio showed up and they all stare at me. "What are you lot staring at?" I question not at all liking how red Weasley was becoming. "Don't you think you're a bit overdressed?" Granger remarks scrunching up her nose. "If looking this good is called being overdressed then so be it as long as I'm never categorized as whatever abomination your parents sent you here in." "You're just flaunting your money." "So what if I am? Are you mad that I have money to flaunt?" She got a bit flustered looking down while saying, "No, not at all." "Then move aside and stop wasting my time, Merlin knows you couldn't afford it." With that, I continue walking with Matteo finally finding the compartment my friends and Maven were in. Opening the door I walk in instantly being tackled in a hug by Daphne. "Nyssa! Oh, you look gorgeous!" "I see my mother's work." Blaise comments from his seat. "Your mother burst into my room at 8 in the morning to get me dressed." I remark rolling my eyes and scanning over the two of them. Daphne had gotten a bit taller but had mainly just lost a lot of her baby fat she looked a lot more mature in more ways than one. Blaise had gotten much taller and his face became more defined making him right for modeling. He got handsome. He was wearing a black dress shirt and it showed his growing muscles. I hear a cough and I turn away from Blaise to see Draco and Maven. Draco had finally stopped using gel in his hair letting it loose and thank Salazar he did. He looked older and more mature in the same sense as Blaise did. Now Maven was a whole different story. He completely changed over the summer. Instead of keeping his hair flat and having it split down the middle he let it up and be puffy. His face got a bit more defined and he got a lot taller. I wasn't going to lie he looked good and the cocky son of a bitch knew it. I smile at Draco opting to acknowledge him first. "Draco I see you finally lost the gel, you might have a chance with getting a few girls now." He rolls his eyes at me pulling me in for a hug which I gladly accepted. When I move away from him I notice Maven looking me up and down before smirking up at me from his spot. "Someone changed over the summer." "I could say the same for you, Maven, but I can only hope you still hate me because I do and I wouldn't want to break that non-existent heart of yours." "Just because you look good doesn't mean you became desirable at least to me. I still hate you and it won't change." I just smirked. "So you think I look good?" He rolls his eyes at me. "Leave it to you to not focus on the message of my words." "Maven, we both know I never listen to you what makes you think that's gonna change now?" He rolls his eyes again as I take a seat beside Daphne who begins telling me about her trip. I listen intently as I sneak glances at Maven. As much as I hate his personality I didn't mind the way he looked. When we were reaching near Hogwarts the train stopped and the power got cut off. All of us were confused as to what was happening until it started getting cold and it felt as if all the happiness just got sucked from the world. The same feeling I get when I feel shadows calling out to me takes over but I suppress it. "dementors." Maven and I say at the same time. Just as we did one opens our compartment door. I glare at it as it does a glances at the room. Once it finishes it looks at me staring at me as if sensing the shadow power in me. Dementors were creatures of shadow created from pure darkness. It could sense that I held the magic of that which it was created from. It lingered for a bit too long and I lifted my hand thinking back to the happy memory of the first time I sword fighter, letting the memory fill me up with warmth before saying the incantation and having a smaller version of my dragon appear chasing the dementor away. Once it was gone I make my Dragon disappear and Draco gets up to close the door just as the lights come back on.   "What was that?" Daphne asks. She was pale and looked afraid and I couldn't blame her I would be too if I wasn't given a heads up. "Dementors. They're going to be at the entrances to the school to protect against Sirius Black." I inform her. She nods and a bit of color returns to her face. "They were searching the train for him." Blaise adds. "Did you conjour a patronis?" Draco asks looking at me. "Mum taught Matteo and I how before we came she wanted us to be protected in case of anything happening." I tell him. "I read a book on them Dragons are very rare." He continues. I nod smiling a bit to myself. "Well, then it definitely suits me." I respond while Maven scoffs. I choose to ignore him instead, focusing on Daphne and making her feel better.

We got out of the train and Vince and Greg show up whispering something in Draco's ear. He burst out laughing looking to all of us who awaited an explanation. "Potter fainted!" We all let out amused chuckles and continue our way to a carriage. Once we reached the school and got seated immediately Draco attempted to find where Potter was to make fun of him. Finally doing so he grabs me and drags me to the part of the table closest to Potter taking a seat and in turn forcing me and the rest of the group to as well. As Dumbledore gets up to give announcements Draco starts whispering to Potter. "Pottah, Pottah!" He looked back at Draco. "Is it true you fainted? I mean you actually fainted?" Weasley pushes Potter to look forwards. "That gives us our answer then," I mutter loud enough for them to hear. Both glare at me while I just continue to fake paying attention to the headmaster. For as great as everyone says Dumbledore is he is very biased towards his old house. That leaves other houses and especially Slytherin to get discriminated against. I saw it all since my first day here. If you're sorted into Slytherin you're automatically evil or you bought your way into something. Many Slytherins will get discredited all for their house while older Gryffindors will torment our first years to tears and the first question asked is why the first year was even in that hallway. So I've come to the conclusion that I don't like Dumbledore. As soon as he was done speaking the feast appeared and everyone tucked in placing food on their plates and making conversation. I was talking to Daphne about the new dresses Auntie Zabini had sent me and how she would probably be making some for her as well. "Yeah, maybe she can make you look better Faye." I roll my eyes letting a smirk rest on my lips. "I'm sorry weren't you the one calling me beautiful like five minutes ago?" He rolls his eyes at me. "Bit of an exaggeration, it was hours ago and I didn't call you beautiful." "But I am good looking though." He doesn't respond ad he frowns in my direction only feeding my already gigantic ego.

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