Chapter 10 | Alcohol Can Fix Most Problems

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Chapter 10.

Eleanor came to get me at exactly 8pm. She looked edgy and as if she could kick anyone's ass in killer heels, tight black leather pants and a tight mid-riff baring crop top. Her hair looked icier than ever and she had a deep plum lipstick on that accentuated her dark outfit and fair skin. Her lashes were dark, long and thick and she looked like a supermodel.

I looked down at my own outfit, which consisted of a long grey knit sweater, leggings and knee high boots that didn't even have an exciting heel. My makeup was the bare minimum and my hair was the same curly mess it always was. I had tried to style it but had ultimately given up.

"C'mon lets go," she grinned and pulled me out of the apartment.

"Where is this party?" I asked her as I followed her down the stairs. She just grinned at me and led the way out of the apartment building where a car sad idled on the curb.

Eleanor opened the back door of the car for me before sliding into the passenger seat. A girl with sleek black hair that was cut into a cute bob with a thick fringe, whom I didn't know, sat in the drivers seat with her hands resting on the steering wheel.

I watched as Eleanor leaned in and pecked the girl on the lips.

The girl turned around, smiled at me with rosy red lips before accelerating the car away from the curb and driving off into the night.


The first thing I noticed about this party was that it was very loud. The party had ended up being in town, at someone's house that Eleanor apparently knew.

We could hear the music all the way from down the street, where we had parked the car due to the street being lined with cars. I suddenly realized that this party was not going to be a small gathering.

I may have been out of my depth. Way out of my depth.

The girl who drove us here, who's name I learnt was Arianna, had chatted non-stop the whole way here and was still talking as we made our way up to the house. I wasn't sure Eleanor and Arianna were together or not, as I had never heard Eleanor say anything about her so I assumed they were just dates for tonight.

We walked up to the house, which was a medium sized, one story house that looked slightly run down. As we got closer I could feel the thumping of the music under my feet as it vibrated through the ground.

Eleanor knocked on the door, Arianna, who was only a tad bit taller than me but was very slim stood beside Eleanor with a wide smile on her face. Arianna was very pretty. She had the whole soft grunge look going on, just like Eleanor. She had perfectly winged eyeliner and wore a cute skater skirt with tights, crop top and large black coat. She also wore chunky heels like the ones Eleanor wore most of the time.

The door was pulled open to reveal a guy in skinny jeans and plain white tee. He looked at us, a bored expression on his face before pulling the door open wider and letting us in. he held a red plastic cup in his hand and chugged it down as he shut the door.

"Where's Allen?" Arianna asked. The guy motioned somewhere inside the house and I was pulled deeper into the house by Eleanor. I followed them as we walked into what seemed like the lounge room. The house was packed with people whom were all drinking, chatting and dancing.

We walked over to a group of people that were sitting on the sofa; around a guy who I assumed to be Allen as when we approached him he smiled and bumped fists with Arianna and Eleanor.

"What up little ladies?" he asked, smiling as he stood from the couch. "and who's this?" he asked, smiling at me. Allen was a thin guy with dirty blonde hair that curled around his ears. He had a cheeky grin and matching cheeky eyes.

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