Chapter 9 | Awkward Lip Locks

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Chapter 9.

"And this is where we keep the spare cups," I nodded as Juan, the guy that Dianne had appointed as my mentor, showed me around the store. Juan was another college student, I think he was in his third year, and was a bubbly Hispanic that liked to make a lot of puns.

Juan had messy, shoulder length dark hair that was tied up in a low bun and stubble on his jaw. He had deep brown eyes that were framed by dark lashes. He was lean and of an average height, which was still quite a bit taller than me. He had a Mexican accent, but one that wasn't very strong, which made me think that he had lived in Australia for quite a while.

"So, usually the shop doesn't have any crazy rushes but it's got a steady flow. It goes quite dead in the mornings but it always picks up," he explained. We walked back out of the storeroom to see that there was a customer waiting. Juan took the opportunity to show me how to serve a customer and afterwards there wasn't much else to do.

It was my very first shift at Fromama and I was currently being taught the ropes.

"Also, if you're working a close shift you need to do all of the cleaning," he added. I nodded and looked around the store. It was a cute little shop with only a few tables and had cute frozen yoghurt cartoons on the walls.

It was also freezing in here. The uniform consisted of a white button down shirt with the logo on the chest and a blue and white striped apron. The uniform didn't offer much warmth.

"So Maisie, what course are you studying?" Juan asked and I looked back at him to find him looking at me with a friendly smile.

"I'm majoring in art, but also doing literature," I smiled.

"That's cool, a friend of mine does art but he's in his third year. What type are you doing?" he asked.

"Illustration, but I might branch out to animation," I told him.

"My friend does animation," he exclaimed, smiling. I smiled back. I liked Juan. He was the type of person that could make anyone feel included, happy and comfortable. He hadn't made me feel awkward at all when he was showing me around the store and telling me how everything worked.

"What are you studying?" I asked him.

"Engineering," he answered and I nodded. Morford College was known for their amazing engineering course.

A customer came through the door and we got back to work.

I had been working for a steady hour, serving customers without much hassle or any embarrassing moments. I hadn't yet dropped someone's fro-yo or gotten an order wrong, which I was pleased about.

Suddenly the door to the shop chimed and I looked up to see Mrs. Hayes walk confidently into the store. She wore a bright yellow raincoat, as it was raining outside and bright pink gumboots.

I grimaced and looked around for Juan, who had decided to disappear into the back room. I sighed internally and faced her with a bright, professional smile. I hadn't spoken to Mrs. Hayes since I had walked out of her class.

"Good afternoon, how may I help you?" I asked professionally.

"Maisie!" she looked up and beamed when she saw me. I didn't know how she could remember everyone's names, my literature lecturer still just pointed to people.

"Hello Mrs. Hayes," I smiled, although it felt more like a grimace.

"How are you? Have you made a start on your assignment yet?" she asked and I winced, which I was sure she noticed since her smile fell slightly.

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