"I'm going to a bar with Andrew, Mason, and a couple of old mates." I answer his question.

He furrowed his eyebrows. "But you're not twenty-one yet?" I swear he's so cute.

I just smile a little while looking at him. "Legal age to drink is eighteen here, babe." I could see him start turning red.

He started laughing to himself as I did the same. "Yeah, I knew that." He shook his head.

I just rolled my eyes while I change off camera. I thought it was honestly adorable.

"You're going to be careful, right?" He asked seriously. It's hard going to a bar without Owen.

It would make me feel safer. But I trust Andrew and Mason. It's going to be weird knowing I haven't been to a bar in months.

But it's going to be fun. We talk for a little but I tell him I have to go.

I meet the boys at their house knowing we're going to take an uber there. I was excited.

I haven't drank or been to a bar in a while. We ride to the bar and make sure to thank the driver.

We walk in and scan the room for them. After a minute, we found them at a bar.

We start ordering drinks while the loud music played. I loved catching up with the two brothers.

Conor said he's been watching my videos and that I've been killing the covers recently.

That means a lot coming from him knowing he's brilliant with that kind of stuff.

An hour and a half into the night, we were all feeling the alcohol. I was completely missing Owen.

I look to see it was now ten pm. The bar was going to close at two in the morning so we were staying the whole time.

We all started dancing together while house music played, and it was a blast.

It brought back a lot of memories from when we used to go out. Conor asked if I wanted another shot so I agreed.

We went to the bar and ordered another drink. "I'm surprised you haven't written a song yet." Conor said in my ear.

I could smell the alcohol on his breath. "I'm actually writing one now." I admit to him.

He looks at me surprised when I tell him. Conor was always a good guy.

"What's it called?" He asked surprised. I blushed while thinking about it.

"In Case You Don't Live Forever. It's not finished or anything." I tell him.

He asks what it's about and I tell him. "It's about a guy I've fallen in love with in Los Angeles." I slur to him.

I didn't realize what I said til after it came out of my mouth. It must be the alcohol talking.

People do say that drunk words are sober thoughts. I started cheekily smiling to myself knowing I admitted it to myself.

I love Owen. There's no denying it or changing the feelings. I don't fully know if he loves me back, but I do love him.

The bartender brings us our drinks which makes me down them. Conor started to lean in my ear again.

"I better hear it when it's finished." He told me. I nodded my head while looking at him.

"You will." I know when I get back to the U.S. I was going to try to finish it.

I'm gonna try to produce it and put it on streaming services so it's not just on youtube.

The whole night was really fun. It was nice to let go with my mates and catch up with Jack and Conor.

When I got back to my house, my parents were still up. I stumbled inside and looked at them.

"You have fun?" My dad asked as I nodded my head. "A blast. I'm going to call Owen." I slur.

I stumble into my room and flopped into my bed. I grab my phone and call dial Owen's number.

It was three am here, nine pm there. He answered on the third ring. "Hi, Sam. How're you feeling?" He asked sweetly.

"I'm fucking drunk and I'm missing you." I admit to him. I could hear him laugh through the speaker.

"I miss you too, baby." I could feel my heart flutter in my chest. I wasn't going to remember any of this.

"I hope I'm not bothering you at all." I could tell he was shaking his head.

We talked on the phone for a while, but I ended up falling asleep. I thought about my feelings a lot when I was sober the next day.

And there's no denying I'm in love with Owen. He's the person I've been dreaming of since I was kid.

I've never clicked with someone as fast as I've done with Owen. I really do think he's my soulmate.

This trip has made me realize how strong my feelings are for Owen.

And I don't want it to change or go away.

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