Epilogue 2 (Mira)

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It was freezing out. I'm pretty sure if I stood outside much longer my nipples would fall off from frostbite! After leaving Malaysia and the warmth there, Hana and I travelled to Thailand for a week, and then another week in Malta. After those stops, we'd made another stop in Belgium, before making our way here to Norway, where we found ourselves in a little cabin in Lillehammer.

At every stop, we explored our new surroundings and enjoyed our trip to the fullest. Our travel blog had taken off, and we had a ton of followers on both Instagram and Twitter following us and loving our pictures.

But not as much as I loved Hana.

Every day, every hour and minute my love for this woman grew until at times it seemed almost too much to contain it within myself and I wanted to scream it to the skies. On a beach in Malta, I actually did that, I just couldn't stop it. Hana of course had a blushing attack before dissolving into giggles and smiling into a kiss that showed off those precious dimples.

In under a year, Hana had taken me from a girl fresh out of college who had no faith in ever falling in love and turned me into a young woman who now wholeheartedly knew that not only was it possible, but that I'd found it in the middle of the jungle before bringing it home and letting it take root in my heart where it had grown deep and strong. She was amazing, and I couldn't be luckier.

Now in the dark of a Norwegian night, the northern lights casting a stunning vision of color throughout the backdrop of the blackened sky, I awaited my little koala and hoped she would come outside to join me on the snow-covered patio. Soon! Or I might have to go find her before I become a popsicle!

Finally, I heard the door behind me open, and then shut afterwards. The crunch of the snow tracked her progress and I looked over my shoulder to see the sparkle in her eyes as she breathed deep while taking in the sight of the trees dripping in snow and ice with the lights overhead.

"It is so beautiful!" she sighed happily.

"Yes, it is," I agreed, keeping my eyes on her and getting a deep blush in return.

We hadn't packed for this cold weather, but we'd each bought matching long wool coats and softer wool lined boots for the stay while on a shopping trip to Oslo. So, my little dumpling was all snug in her coat. She walked towards me with a smile, opening her arms wide to take me in a hug and letting her coat fall open to reveal nothing. Nothing at all.

There was a naked koala under that coat! If I was to drool, there would be icicles on my lower lip, so I did my best to keep myself under control.

"You sneak!" I laughed while taking in the glorious form of the woman I loved. "You stole my thunder!" I let my coat down fall open as well, to show her the corset and garter set that I was wearing. The outfit and matching stockings were all white, matching the snow, and I could see her eyes widen and her smile grown even wider.

With an excited giggle, she ran the last two steps and launched herself into my arms, wrapping her fur boots around my hips and sending my body into a heated frenzy when her lips met mine. I may have been cold before, but her passion had me burning with desire and I quickly reached down to place my hands onto the cheeks of her bare butt, lifting her up so she didn't slip down into the snow. No frostbite for an ass that cute!

I tramped back across the deck, opening the door while keeping a hand under Hana, and taking us inside. I'd done a lot of research on a special getaway for us, and this cabin was ideally suited, as you could see the northern lights from the bed as well as outside. I couldn't imagine a better way to spend the night with my koala. When we made it there, the warmth of the wood stove and the fireplace quickly dissipated the chill still clinging to our bodies, and I slipped the coat off Hana's body while she did the same for me. We left the lights off, to better enjoy the overhead glow as we pleasured one another. It was absolutely perfect.

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