Chapter Nineteen

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Having her body wound back in time was probably the worst feeling Lilly had ever experienced. All of a sudden, five days' worth of meals came and went while every bit of pain she had felt the last few days, every stubbed toe and bumped elbow, shot through her nerves all at once. Her head became foggy and light, just as Regaldi had said, as the tiredness she had felt at night slammed into the feelings of being awake and alert. She felt like she was being ping-ponged between needing sleep and being full of energy.

Luckily, it was all over in a matter of seconds. From now on though, Lilly deciding the time loop was her least favorite part of the circus, hands down.

Freddy stood next to her, looking like he had just gone through the wringer. It had been a much worse experience for him no doubt, as his body transformed multiple times, shooting smoke out of his ears like a cartoon. His eyes shifted from their regular soft orange tones to a fiery, predatorial cat's eyes. And no doubt, he had felt some much worse pain than Lilly in the last week.

Nevertheless, when all was said and done, they both felt like nothing had ever changed. Freddy was actually better than before, the drug having worn off like it had never been taken in the first place. Looks like Lilly's sightseeing wouldn't be ruined by Freddy the drugged up hippie after all.

"It looks like everyone's over the worst of it." Regaldi spoke to the gathering of Carnies, waiting for their next move. "Lilly and Freddy? Just to warn you, there may be side effects. Aches and pains, nausea, projectile vomiting. It's not pretty, but it's all very temporary I assure you. The first dozen or so time loops are the hardest, it'll get easier, I promise. Now everyone, I will inform you of our plans for this stop on our never ending tour!

"We will be performing on top of the largest building in the city, amidst the greatest rooftop garden the world has to offer. The Hotel Fairgrove is where it shall be held, and we will set up the fairgrounds in the park on top of the hotel. It's quite the view, if I do say so myself." Regaldi seemed to be over-selling the grandeur of it all, perhaps to help the troupe ignore the fact that they were on potentially the most dangerous city in the world, despite it's warm and majestic appearance from outside.

Regaldi finished his debriefing then went to work preparing the sending and receiving circles with Galbanzi's help, vanishing from sight only to appear a moment later, grab a glowing wrench, then vanish again, presumably he was going to the park atop the hotel.

Seeing as Regaldi was busy teleporting back and forth, Lilly approached Galbanzi to ask about her game plan. "Um, hey. You're the magician, right? Gerald Galbanzi? I don't think we've been properly introduced. I'm Lilly, over there is Freddy."

Gerald looked up from his work, somewhat startled by her sudden approach. His surprise only lasted a moment however, and a great large smile took over his face as he stood up and greeted Lilly. "Miss Lilly! Of course I know you and young Freddy, of course. But you are right, we have yet to be properly introduced, as I trusted the younger members of our family to welcome you. Either way, allow me to introduce myself properly! My stage name is the Great Gerald Galbanzi, master illusionist and magician extraordinaire, at your service."

Lilly smiled, only somewhat taken aback by the whimsical nature of his so called proper introduction. "Right, and again, I'm Lilly. I was actually wondering if I could ask a question."

"But of course young miss, ask away while I continue my work, pardon my rudeness but this needs to be done for us to continue our journey." Galbanzi tipped his hat and then knelt down to resume his work while glancing over at Lilly, waiting for her question.

"Well I was wondering if we would have any free time of sorts, to maybe do some sight seeing later? Ever since I heard about a hidden city in the sky, I couldn't stop thinking about all the incredible shops and boutiques that would be here, the history of the city itself, the culture, the food, the architecture! I was just so intrigued!"

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