Chapter 1: An End of A Beginning (2k)

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December 30, 00XX

Elliot was falling through the sky.

The sun was warm against his skin, the wind tossing his wild brown curls in the air. Despite being suspended way up in the sky, he didn't feel any fear. Instead, what came was the thrilling sensation he looked forward to every time he went out to fly.

He couldn't help but smile. As always, the feeling never got old.

The clouds parted to reveal the fierce battle that was playing out below. Two sides in a war, fighting to push each other back.

The bright glare of the halo around his head prevented him from seeing clearly, but it was apparent who the victors were going to be. The way one side had pushed back the other.

The angels had fallen on those sinners like the wrath of God, but the demons were resolute. Their best defenders were holding back our men with all their might. It would only be a matter of time before they fell.

He swooped around the sky, pretending to lay on his back as one would on a hammock while surveying the fighting. When one was assigned to keep watch for any nasty surprises in the rear, things could get pretty dull. Angels were ruthlessly disintegrating Demons left and right. Arrows came and pelted them like a shower of bullets. Swords and spears were covered in ash from the number of enemies they'd faced.

Even the dullest of minds could tell that the Demons were no match for their kind.

He wanted to sigh on their behalf but kept to himself. If they had controlled themselves from the start, this gruesome war wouldn't be happening as it does now.

Suddenly, a bright light shone itself in his eyes and momentarily threw him off balance. He blinked rapidly, blocking and shooing it away with his forearm before noticing the mischievous raven-haired angel who cast it from down below.

He frowned. A signal? This was new.

Elliot spread his wings and let the wind carry him. Dipping downwards, he shot through the trees with surprising speed. Swords clashed, and magic crackled in the air. The hairs on his arms stood at their ends as his blood rushed with exhilaration. It's been a long time since he got to be a part of the action.

He landed lightly on his feet and reached the clearing where the battle raged. A few demons were down already, lying motionless on the ground. Some of them looked up at him with fear and apprehension. The others stood their ground, preparing for the fight that might cost them their lives. To see the once proud and arrogant Demon race look scared for once fueled him with resolve. If they didn't know where they belonged, he'd just have to put them in their place.

He raised his right arm and harnessed the light in his hands. Particles materialized and transformed into his trusty sword. He locked eyes with one of the demons in front of him. He brought his sword down with a grin on his face and watched them explode in a cloud of dust. A scoff came from behind him.

"Show off."

Elliot turned around to see the familiar crown of jet-black hair and ocean-colored eyes.

"Zaila, good to see you too," he smiled, looking at his friend.

"Took you long enough to notice I was shining it in your face. You're late to the party," Zaila spoke dryly, motioning to the Angels advancing on the Demons over on the horizon. "The General ordered everyone to the front lines. Today's the final stretch. We've been waiting a long time for this."

Elliot stretched his arms out over his head, casually ignoring the ring of vicious Demons surrounding them. "Good to know he finally has an ounce of sense in him. I was starting to get tired of being assigned at the back."

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