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The Clave had captured Shang Darkblood, sending him to the Silent City to await trial for the many crimes he had committed.

That night, Lyra, Alec, Jace, and Isabelle had all been arrested, too. Until they could tell their side of the story. Reveal everything that had led up to this moment.

So many lies, betrayals, deceptions.

The Clave had originally suspected Lyra to have part in all of it because of her mother's connection to the Venatori, but it was thanks to Jace and the others that she was released from that. And it was thanks to Maryse Lightwood that they all hadn't been punished for going against direct orders and heading off on their own.

After all, they had helped bring down the Venatori—how could the Clave punish them for that?

But then, came the worst of it.

The Darkblood Brothers had been labelled enemies of the Clave, despite what Lyra and the others tried to explain, and sadly...Henry Darkblood had since been labelled as deceased.

There was no body recovered, but their accounts were trusted enough.

Furthermore, the Darkblood brothers hadn't been seen again, and it was likely that they wouldn't see them unless they wanted to be seen.

Days passed since the Battle of the Venatori, and things changed for the group more than expected.

Isabelle stayed in her room, not wanting to talk to anyone. She kept to herself to grieve on her own.

Jace had began training harder than before with the help of Hodge. He would go until his body physically gave out, or unless Hodge felt enough pity to force him to stop. Still, nothing could stop the pent up frustration and grief feeling him.

No one could really find Alec since the Clave's interrogations. He always seemed to disappear for long periods, with no one being able to find him.

Well, except for Lyra.

The door to Henry's room opened up.

She didn't have to scan the room, because she knew he was in here. And he knew it was her who walked in, and no one else.

Only the two of them could have this space.

Lyra walked over to the spot in front of the fireplace that danced with bright flames. She sat down beside the man, criss-crossed and as usual, sat with him in silence. Their knees touching.

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