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      Fighting alongside each other was like trying to glue pieces of a puzzle together that clearly didn't fit.

All week the young Shadowhunters had trained tirelessly to get a feel for each other's fighting style. It was harder to move into a rhythm of that which is already so clearly in tune to something else.

Alec, Jace, and Isabelle were obviously well off in their teamwork. They were like a well-oiled machine. Together, they had all they needed.

Alec had his bow and arrows, from a range he could pick off enemies one by one.

Isabelle had her whip, which she could use to hold away their enemies.

Jace had his seraph blades, and he was always the first to lead the fray—taking most of the heat.

So where did Lyra and Henry fit in? That was yet to be determined.

Lyra's weapon of choice were twin sai daggers made from adamas. The handles were bandaged for a more comfortable grip and the thin blades had the tiniest of carvings of runes. They were small and skinny, just like her.

Henry's weapon of choice consisted of a single katana—that he had joined at his hip. It was long in length, and quite a beauty to behold even when it wasn't being wielded. And to watch the man as he sliced through the air, it could leave anyone awestruck.

The two were quite skilled and found that with just the two of them, they could find that rhythm. It was actually quite the sight to behold.

"Ha!" Isabelle's whip crackled through the air. It latched onto the slimy neck of the Shax demon. With one tug she brought it to the ground.

Behind her, another Shax demon reached for her. An arrow cut through the air and hit the demon, and it turned into ash and dust.

Alec lowered his bow. "Jace," He called for the man to finish off the Shax that begins to stand up.

Jace came forward. "I got it," He flipped the seraph blade in his hand and moved to finish it off.

Another harrowing screech sounded followed by Lyra's body twirling into the air, before she landed gracefully in front of him. Sweat dripped from her body, like the others, and she panted heavily. The Shax demons' claws rush down to get her until—

Henry's katana sliced the Shax demon in half. His collected appearance visible when the Shax burns up into nothing. He gives a small nod to Lyra, who smiled back at him.

He turned to finish off the last one still trapped by Isabelle's whip. And a second later, he bumped roughly into Jace, who's sword immediately sliced into his forearm, cutting through the sleeve. "Damn it!" He cursed, more angry that the other had gotten into his way. "Watch where you swing your blade, Wayland!"

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