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Alec turned the corner of the hall with the glass of water his sister requested for Lyra. With Rook still on his shoulder where he had been perched all day, his eyes darted up when he spotted one of Henry's brothers standing at Henry's door.

It was unavoidable since Lyra's room is right across from the other.

He could have turned back around to avoid the man altogether, but then Rook squawked loud and the guy whipped his head around in a bored expression.

For a moment, as he looked upon Rook, his eyes gleamed but it was gone in a second.

The unknown man began walking toward them and Alec sighed deeply, readying himself for literally anything. He whistled a certain kind of tune that Alec has heard Henry make and Rook went flying forward to the other.

Rook perched himself on the man's shoulders.

Alec frowned deeply.

The other noticed, surveying him with an empty stare. "Rook does not belong to you," He countered in a cold voice, "Why do you have him?"

Unlike Henry, who has been able to mask his accent, he noticed that like their father, his brothers had a thick accent when they spoke english. It wasn't anything especially notable but still, it was hard to overlook.

"He came to me. I let him be." Alec looked at this brother, anger fueling him.

How could he stand there so cocky, he wondered. The things they have done to Henry—he could never imagine hurting his own siblings like that. He doesn't even think he would wish it on his worst enemy.

Alec wasn't exactly soft-hearted but he wasn't cruel either. And the Darkblood's were just cruel.

"What are you doing here?" Alec held up a hand in question. "Which one are you, exactly?"

The man squinted his eyes. "I am Jaehwa, fourth son to Shang Darkblood," He introduced himself, and his tone was laced with some sort of suspicion.

Compared to the others, Alec noted that this man looked a lot different from the others and Henry. This man had reddish-brown hair that was slicked back and his features were more defined in a chiseled way unlike the others, who had more innocent features. His eyes were more piercing and small with thin eyebrows that were more arched. He was the type of handsome that was classically timeless with an unreadable expression to match.

Alec decided that this brother was the one that most unnerved him.

Jaehwa glanced back at the door once more. "Where is my brother?" He continued on since the other hadn't said anything.

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