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song: i get to love you -ruelle


"He's so tiny."

Six chubby, young faces stare down into the wooden crib that beheld their new baby brother.

A little blob of a human wrapped up in a bundle of blankets. His eyes were closed as he slept soundly. A patch of dark brown hair on his head, covered with a beanie.

They looked so surprised, so awed that such a thing was now in their lives so unexpectedly.

Lucas and Johnny, young as they were, peered in through the wooden railings. Their little fingers wrapped around the bars.

Beside them, Jaehwa lifted Johnny, who cried when he wanted to see better.

Sam was on his tip-toes, his eyes barely making him past the post to see.

Kai smiled lovingly, placing their late mother's robe over the small baby so he wouldn't grow cold.

Bae blinked then yawned, his excitement having gone down. "This is boring," He looked to Kai, "Poke it with a stick," He ordered.

"Oh, me! Me!" Lucas bounced on his heels, "I want to poke it!"

"It's not an it," Sam scolded the two. Ignoring how Lucas pouted at him. "He's our brother, now. The only thing we have left of Mom," He stated more clearly.

Perhaps the boy's didn't have a concept of death yet. They didn't understand it when they all awoke this morning to the handmaidens and whatnot crying and hugging them. They didn't understand why everyone had been so sad when their father had come out of the delivery room with this baby in his arms.

Point was, their mother was dead, dead from childbirth. But none of them really felt sad about it, yet.

"Hey!" A nanny hissed at them from the doorway, making the boys turn in unison. She flapped a rag at them. "The baby needs rest. Stop bothering him!" She ordered.

"What's his name?" Kai asked, looking at her with a more mature expression than the other boys.

The nanny's scolding tone went away, and she sighed. "He doesn't have one yet," She stated, "You can watch him, but only for a little bit. I need to fetch him some formula." She bowed her head at her young masters, before scurrying away.

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