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Things back at the New York Institute had been more stressed and chaotic. More Shadowhunters were pouring in by the day from all over, gearing up for patrols and hunting for Deviants.

The Downworlders had gone quite smug about it all, too. Talks of the Shadowhunters hunting themselves in a civil war and spreading rumors of this Venatori business. The Shadow World is coming apart at the seams more and more.

Every day, tensions grew higher with more patrols being assigned and more false leads of this person or that person being a possible deviant. People were being questioned day in and day out by the Envoy's of the Clave for answers.

It is all too fast-paced for a certain couple, whom had snuck away to get the peace they needed from everyone and their jobs.

Glamoured on the roof of a building, Lyra and Jace laid over a blanket while cuddled up together. Her smaller frame tucked into his side while using his shoulder as a pillow. Her eyes closed with bliss to doze off every now and then.

They had been gone for an hour, but even that is too risky for them without being accused of being a Deviant. They needed to hurry back before anyone of importance noticed they were gone.

Jace tore his eyes away from the starry night to look down at the girl in his arms. His expression shifted from hardened thought to soft fondness at her beauty. How she looked so beautiful and for the first time in days, at peace.

It isn't fair that he had to ruin it now because he wanted to keep holding her like this.

"We should hurry back. Izzy can only keep Maryse at bay for so long," He finally said in a low voice.

Lyra's eyes did not open and instead, she sighed and nuzzled deeper into his shoulder until her nose grazed his neck. Her arms tightened around him. "Can we stay here for five more minutes, please?" She frowned to herself, "It's so crazy down there. I need to stay like this for a little longer."

He could understand that much.

The two of them had hardly had a moment alone together, and in fact, they were always busy with patrols and still on their search for their missing friend. By the grace of the heavens, somehow the four of them had been assigned on the case to locate Henry and his brothers, much to the dismay of Shang. They now held the authority to look for Henry all they wanted without any interferences.

Jace turned and kissed the top of her head. His weakness in that her perfume filled his nostrils and made his heart beat faster, and now she was nuzzling into his neck like this. It is all so exciting despite the circumstances.

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