Chapter 12: Family day (fail)

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-In the classroom-

All of the vk's were just standing there waiting for what fairy godmother was going to say. Finally Harley spoke up. "Are we in trouble?" Fairy Godmother looked at her shocked "Goodness no your not in trouble" As Eleanor could hear Harley groan of annoyance. "So if we aren't in trouble then why are we here?" asked Katherine. "Children as you know umm... this Sunday is family day here but since your parents can't make it due to umm.. distance we have a treat for you" As all of them looked at each other. "I don't think i want to see my mother..." thought Jake.

Meanwhile on the isle the villains are trying to work how to connect to their kids and they are failing. "I don't see anything" said The queen of hearts pressing the remote like a crazy person. Then the Cheshire cat appeared "let me help" but the queen of hearts glared at him and shouted "NO!" in his face making back away as the rest of the villains stay quiet while they argue. Then harry decided to speak up "umm.. you press enter on the remote" as all of the villains stare at him but then queen of hearts press enter on the remote "thanks harry dear" as harry just nods nervously.

Sooner than later the tv came on and all of the villains saw their children and harry saw her sister after it has been so long. "oh Jake, it's mommy oh look at you still looking the same. scruffy" Jake looked nervous but then heard his mother laugh "I'm joking Jake, don't take everything so seriously" Katherine can tell that Jake was still scared of his mother. "Oh! who's the old bat?" Cheshire cat said with a laugh as Katherine looked down of embarrassment but Harley spoke up before Katherine could have a chance. "This is fairy godmother" as the queen of hearts steps up "still doing tricks with eggplants?" with that every villain laughed as the look on fairy godmothers face was unimpressed. "I turn a pumpkin into a beautiful carriage" as all of the villains still laugh. Eleanor whispers to fairy godmother to go as she leaves to go outside, leaving them with their parents and harry.

Finally, harry pushes mother gothel out of the way as he sees his sister. "Hey sis" As Eleanor looks up almost feels like crying to see her brother again. "Harry!" she shouted. "So how's it going matey?" he said, Eleanor takes a breath as she says "it's been going ok, I'm in fencing!" Harry looked surprised but not too surprised. "But how it's been going with Uma" she said looking at her brother with that look. "oh.. it's been going ok you know Uma" hiding his blushing but they got interrupted by the queen of hearts. "Ok enough of that boy!" shoving harry out of the way. Anger grew in Eleanor but Jake held her hand in comfort.

"Hey mother" Harley said with a fake smile. "My little queen! I-I m-miss y-you.." Harry crossed his arms "can't even say like she means it" he thought. "How long must mommy wait to see you?" she said as Harley needs to think of an answer. "Do i really want to go back to the isle?" Harley thought. "Ummm... there's a b-big coronation c-coming up. I think sometimes probably after... that" she said. "She never stutters..." Katherine thought. "When..?" Her mother demanded. "Friday, 10am" Harley says automatic. "You sure I can't see you be able to see you sooner rather than later? Mommy wants to see you and that wand.. but mostly you" she says as Harley can tell all of this if fake but doesn't care any less. "Yes i completely understand mother" But before the queen of hearts responds Mother gothel interrupts. "Jake dear? why are you holding hands with that crazy cat get away from her!" Mother gothel demanded and katherine was scared but jake never let go of her hand. "No mother" he said firmly and all of the villains were shocked even Harley and Eleanor but katherine stood there proud of her best friend.

The only person who wasn't proud was Jake's mother, clenching her fist tight as she screams "what did you say to ME!!!?" Jake was scared but he grew up the courage to shout back. "You heard me, you old hag!" All of villains expect for mother gothel was laughing including harry. Katherine smiled as Jake and whispers to him "well done Jakey." Then all of a sudden the feed was cut and all of them can take a breath as fairy godmother came back in "i am so sorry" she said. "It's ok at least i got to see harry but my father wasn't even there..." As Harley gives her some comfort. As fairy godmother leaves again, jake looks at harely "Harley, What do you think our parents are gonna do to us? If we don't pull this off?" To be honest harley didn't even know, did she want to do this? Maybe but she did enjoy art class even if no one knows she went there and she enjoying herself but she knew her mother is going to be mad. "I think they will be mad but then also proud that we tried" As jake looked at her with hope but then shook her head "no they will very mad we are goners" She walks away as jake makes an oh face.

"Do i really need to do?" thought Harley.

Heyyy guys thanks for reading!! I hope you enjoyed this!!! sorry for the spelling mistake i tried but byeeeee!!!!! :)

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