Chapter 2: getting ready to go

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As they were getting ready to go in the limo, they all had to say goodbye to loved ones or people that they actually liked whatever anyway...

"You know i'm really going to miss my evil queen" jay says squeezing Harley's hands not letting go as she replies back saying "yeah i know, i don't wanna go either as princess are going to say they are better then me but when we get that wand, we will free the isle and we will rule together" giving jay a evil smirk. "ok.. but if anyone is giving you trouble what do you say?" he says as they both say together "off with their heads" as they both burst into laughter but then the queen of hearts shouts "darling come here and get away from this wretch of a boyfriend!" as harley goes over to her mother giving her advice about stealing the wand and being ruler of auradon and being better then maleficent but honestly she wasn't listening, she looked over auradon and had a smirk, this was going to be fun and wicked. But honestly, she didn't want to live up to her mother's expectations but she couldn't tell anyone otherwise they might think she is soft and she hates when people call her soft.

Meanwhile, Jake was having a conversation with his mum and his mum was saying  how much not to trust the prince's and especially the princess they cannot he trusted. That made him more worried as his mother walked away leaving Jake with Evie. "Don't worry you will be fine and I have a gift for you" she says giving him a wink as Jake raises his eyebrow. "What is it?" He asked as Evie brought out her magic mirror. "My mum gave it to me but since your going to auradon you might need it just in case" she says as she puts it in his hands blowing a kiss to him as she walked away, leaving Jake so confused.

With Katherine, she had a talk with her father the Cheshire Cat about how she is going to cause chaos around in auradon and trick those princesses. She knew she had to do this as all those princesses are responsible for putting us in this isle with no way out. As they both give a smirk to each other as the Cheshire Cat disappeared with a smile. Then Carlos came up to katherine. "You won't forget about us will you kathy?" carlos asked nervously as katherine gave him a smirk and hugged him tightly "of course i won't forget you C, we are rotten to the core" she replied back as they stopped hugging and carlos helped katherine with her stuff.

Meanwhile, Eleanor was with her twin brother as their father couldn't make it or couldn't be bothered to. "You remember what to do love?" asked harry as she looked at his sister with a wicked grin. "Yes i know what to do brother, get the wand so the pirates will take over!" she shouts as she put her sword in the air and so did harry with an crazy laughter that came out of both of them. "Good... everyone will be proud of you especially me" harry responds back as he walks away but before he goes he gives her a mocking bow as she laughs so loud like a crazy person. Suddenly she gets a a tap on the shoulder as she turns around to see Mal there with a wicked smile as they just stare at each other for a while like it's been a hour but then Eleanor just walks away having a massive grin of her face as she gets to the limo.

Back to all of them, they are all getting ready to go in the limo. As the queen of hearts whispers into her daughters ear "now get me that wand so I can teach that maleficent who is the truly evil person in the isle!" As Harley nods as all of them get in and they start going and as they start going they can hear their parents shouting behind them. "Get me a crown and the wand!" "Get some gold and a ship!" "Careful with everyone around you!" "Get me.. ummm.. I don't know anything" as all the parents look over to Cheshire Cat like "what?"

As they all were all driving away making there way to Auradon prep, Katherine looks in the limo and found some sweets or some chocolate I think it was... as she took a bite out of it. "Mmmm...." slapping Jake shoulder to get his attention "Jake this is so good! It's like everything happy is blended into this" Jake snatched it off as he took a bite out of his hesitantly but then smiled of joy. Quickly but surly both of them started fighting over the food. Meanwhile Harley and Eleanor just looked them like what is happening?

All of a sudden the bickering got to Harley so much that she shouted "ENOUGH!!" Making the Katherine and Jake also Eleanor just look at her kinda scared. Taking a deep breath in and out as she continued to speak "this is out one chance to prove to our parents we are villains cause we are rotten.." putting her hand in the middle as the rest looked at each other with smirk as they did the same and they all said to together
"To the core..."

Sorry if this is short or not but I hoped you enjoyed this chapter!! Next chapter coming soon!!

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