Waking up

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Alex pov


I was trying on a dress when a hand came across my waist and another around my mouth stopping me from screaming.


I tried to bite the person ,but when I did he or she removed their hand from my waist. A few moments later I felt a stabbing pain in my thigh. My eyes suddenly felt heavier I kept trying to fight to keep them open.

" All done master, yes she's falling asleep, stupid mutt didn't even see it coming ." click. (call ended)

" HEY WHAT THE!" that's all I heared before I drifted off I opened my eyes and looked around.

Alex vision/dream***

I wake up and take a look at my surroundings. I was at a beach all alone. Then I spotted a blurry object comming twoards me. It was then that I noticed it was a figure coming straight toward me . It was the wolf goddess Lana she was as beautiful as everyone told me dark skin, violet eyes, dark brown hair. A well shaped and statued face well sculpted nose and full lips. She was wearing a beautiful white dress that went all the way to her ankles she was barefoot. I didn't realize she was in frout of me til I heared her speak.

" Alexandria , you are in between worlds you may choose to go back." I answered with a nod. "very well then, but before you go back there is a story I must tell you it is about a young beautiful wolf girl who gave birth to a daughter the father was a brilliant man but he was upset that the girl had become pregnet for he was a male witch and the gods did not allow this. So they came up with a plan to hid the girl. For her own safety they sent her to the human world. The daughter of the wolf girl and witch father was named Abriella (ah Bree El ah) meaning strong one of God. But in the human world her human parents call her Alexandria. Alexandria I am your."

"mom" I finished her sentence. Tears were streaming down her face.

She pulled me into a tight hug I hugged her with all my might. I heared a male yell. My "mom" looked afaid and whispered " you must go now I will see you soon my love"

"how do I go back "

"close you eyes and count to ten "

1..2...3...4...5...6..7...8...9......... I felt a cold object being push into my hand.......10

I woke up to someone shaking "Alex please wake up please"

"hhhummm, water" I said trying to sit up. Squinting my eyes to get ajusted to the light.

Water taste soo good the cold liquid running down my throut.

"what happened where am I " I said looking around to find Quinn sitting right next to me in tears he looked like a mess. Slowly I wipped away his tears, but when my skin came in contact with his I felt something strange.

I ignored it thinking it was probably a numb nerve or something.

" how long have I been here, when can I leave" ? I asked.

" as soon as the doctor says that you can" he replied.

An excruciating pain overwhelmed my body starting at my feet til it reached my shoulder. I screamed in pain. The hospital door flew open with an afraid looking Izzy she ran toward me as did the doctors behind her. "she's going into shock sir please move aside sir please SIR I'm not going to tell you again " a nurse shouted. Eveything became blurry next thing I see is Izzy with a slit wrist shoving her injured arm to my mouth I drank as the blood poured into my mouth.

As this was happening I looked over at Quinn he must of felt me staring at him because he looked back at me. Once, Izzy was gone I looked up at her and asked a question I already knew the answer to " What are you"? She looked down as if she was ashamed " I'm a mix, a were and a vampire". She whispered. I smiled at her " that's so kool I'm jealious Izzy. She looked up at me with a huge smile.


I'm back. I got my laptop back but I can't get in wattpad so I had to copy everything into my iPod. So it took a while. Then some personal things happened. Now everythings better so yaa.

Anyways I hope you guys enjoyed this little chapter. I here by promise to make more chapter and upload as soon as possible. SO COMMENT AND VOTE!!!!!!!!!!

Live love laugh and TWIX

Lol sorry I'm in love with those choclates haha there soooooo gooood


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