"Today was hard, wasn't it?" She asked me as we stood next to the now closed door.

"Harder than I thought it would be..." She pulled back and stood on her tiptoes to kiss me.

"Let's not think about it anymore. Come on, we have an early day tomorrow."

She took my hands, guiding me to the bed. She even lifted the covers for me first, letting me slide in before climbing in next to me. She surprised me when I turned over to pull her closer. Instead, she moved the pillows to prop herself up in more of a sitting position on the bed and opened her arms for me. I smiled at her, a small thank you as she let me lay between her legs. her hands wrapped around my shoulders, her right hand immediately running through the curls on my head while her left hand hung loosely over my side. She let me get comfortable with my head against her shoulder and my right hand grabbing her left and bringing them to sit on her stomach.

"Thank you..." I finally said after a few minutes of sitting in silence.

"I love you Daniel. I will be here to help you through this whenever you need it. However I can." She leaned down, her lips ghosting over my forehead like I usually did to her before we settled in for the night.

Despite the storm brewing in my mind, I slept better than I could've hoped. With Maeve holding me through the night, I hoped she hadn't been uncomfortable. She woke me up though with a delicate kiss on the forehead, before the alarm could blare into our blissful morning.

"Good morning, my love. Did you sleep ok?" She asked me then. I gave her a nod before stretching.

"You?" I asked her back as I moved, twisting to be on my stomach between her legs. I slid my left arm across her stomach, resting my chin on my arm to look up at her while my right hand traced some of the colorful patterns on her thigh.

"I feel well rested, if that's what you're asking." She reached out with her right hand, brushing some of my longer curls away from my face.

"I guess that's what I'm asking," I chuckled, using the same tone she had used to answer me," I love you so much. Thank you for being here for me." She gave me a smile, her hand's ministrations continuing as she reached out again.

"I'll always be here for you, that's the point of having someone. Every high point and every low point is shared." her left hand caressed my cheek.

"Well, get ready for a lot of lows. The next few months are going to be very rough if things continue the way they are now." She sighed.

"Then we get through it together...I'll be here for you every step of the way. I have to admit though, I am very excited for next year. I think that black and yellow race suit is going to suit you in all the right ways." She bit her lip as she stared down at me and I scoffed.

"Oh yeah?," I moved to crawl up so our faces were closer together, holding my weight on my elbows on either side of her," Does Renault black and yellow really do it for you?" She chuckled, her legs wrapping around my waist.

"I think it might. Though, Ferrari Red really looks good on Seb." I rolled my eyes, moving to get up.

"I was kidding!" She laughed loudly, her arms wrapping around my neck to hold me in place.

"You better be kidding, he's like a dad. I don't want him anywhere near your bedroom." She scoffed.

"I would never. He may have that German charm, but I like the amber eyed boy from Australia more than anyone else on the entire planet. Actually, have you met him?" She smirked at me, her fingers playing with my curls again.

"No actually," I played along with a mock pensive look," Why don't you tell me about him?" She blew her breath out from between her lips.

"Well, First of all, he's an amazing driver. They call him the last of the late brakers. He can overtake better than most people on the grid, except me of course." She winked at me.

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