Chapter Nine:

Depuis le début

Oh shit.

“Let. Me. Go.”

“Nothing going to happen, I've already told you, we play by my rules now,”

He pushed her in front of him, feet kicking the backs her ankles, “Up the stairs and down the hall,”

Sadie cursed as she struggled to keep moving. She was bruised and battered. Not to mention covered in dry and other grime. She was also sure she had a couple broken ribs.

As she took the first step, her body collapsed, hitting the concrete stairs with unreasonable impact. Fingers tangled in her hair, forcing her head back, “Get up,”

She refused to move, which caused Kade to yank her to her feet by her hair.

“I would rather die then be in your care again, so why don't you save us both some trouble and just kill me?”

Kade let out a dark laugh, “Because killing you would be too easy,” He gave her an evil smirk, “Besides, I have something else in mind,”

He punctuated his comment by pulling open a heavy wood door and forcefully trowing her into an almost empty room.

As her body hit hard wood floor, she bit back a pained sound. His words and actions were finally beginning to make sense.

“Create another monster,” She rolled her eyes, “Now there's a bright idea,”

Kade moved closer, dropping to the floor beside her. Reaching up, he covered her mouth with one hand, the other arm wrapped around her waist.

“Gods, I like it so much better when you just keep your damned mouth shut,” His nails bit into her cheek as he snarled into her ear, “You are worthless, human trash,”

His hot breath against her ear made her shiver, her body protesting the small movement. She tried to speak past his hand, but her words were too muffled to understand.

“But soon enough you will be broken of this horrible habit you seem to have developed. You will soon learn that you only speak when spoken too,”

Hearing muffled backtalk, Kade released her mouth and slapped her hard.

As pain exploded across her cheek, Sadie struggled to free herself from his hold. She wanted out. Now. But as Kade's grip tightened and she was lifted off of the floor only to be thrown down on the bed a few feet away, a whole new panic set in.

He wasted no time forcing her body down as he bared her the frantic blue vein in her neck. One hand pressed firmly against her cheek, he bit down, hard.

She struggled harder against his hold, pain and panic filling her to the brim. Tears burned her eyes as he worked her throat. Her body shook as he pressed her into the mattress.

Before she had any time to register what was happening, it was over. Well, almost.

Quickly, Kade made a deep cut across his wrist before bracing his other arm across her chest to keep her in place. Pressing his wounded wrist to her mouth, he gave her a satisfied smirk.

Sadie gagged as his blood filled her mouth, but he didn't budge. It was quickly becoming a situation of swallow or choke.

Just as quickly as it had started, it was over.

Kade stood, gave her a scowl and walked out, locking the door behind him. Leaving Sadie to curl up on the bed; terrified about what was going to happen next.


“Are you fucking shitting me?” Cyan's voice cracked as it hit a level no man's voice should ever reach.

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