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*Still another chapter after this which I posted simultaneously so please check that out!*

-3rd Person Perspective-

Y/N sat down in the empty chairs in the hospital. Her tears were fresh. A crumpled letter held in her hand. In the other, an unopened box adorned with a charcoal black wrapping.

Mira walked in the front doors, and it didn't take long for her to find Y/N. She sat down beside her.

From somewhere in the hospital, a baby's cry rang out. Someone had just delivered. The baby's wails were the only sound.

"I- I just wanted to thank you." Y/N looked at Mira. "I don't know who you are, but because of you, I could do something I never imagined... see him again."

"He talked about you often..." Mira nodded. "He named me after you. You were his Miracle. I was his... Mira." Mira explained.

"You were his daughter?" Y/N said, her heart sinking just a bit. She couldn't even think of anyone else as her husband. She thought she could never get over Peter. But it seems he had gotten over her.

"In a way... I was adopted." Mira corrected. "Peter raised me as a single dad. He told me that when he went to the orphanage, his eyes immediately fell on me... and I reminded him of you."

So he hadn't married anyone else... That made Y/N feel a lot better. It justified her trying to push Luke away. It just didn't feel right.

"I'm glad I found you." Y/N smiled a bit.

"Help!" A nurse came running into the reception area. Mira hopped up onto her feet, ready to help. It was apparent she worked here. Without thinking, Y/N also followed behind her.

They went inside a room where there was already an overwhelming number of doctors huddled around the patient.

It seemed that there was a woman who had just given birth. A baby was crying in the corner as the nurse washed the blood off of him.

"What's happened?" Mira had already washed her hands, she put on gloves and a mask, jumping into action. Someone put on an apron type thing on her.

"Heart failure, likely to die." A doctor responded.

"Shock her." Mira decided, taking two things in her hand. She rubbed them together, then placed them on the patient's chest. "Go."

A doctor flipped a switch and an electric wave went through. The patient's chest rose up, but nothing happened to her heartbeat.

"Raise the voltage, and again." Mira ordered as she rubbed the objects again. The doctor did as she said.

They shocked the patient again.

And again.

And again.

Nothing happened.

"Again." Mira said, not giving up.

Once more the electric wave went through, but it was useless. Mira stepped back, putting away the objects. There was sweat on her forehead, and perhaps the linger of tears in her eyes.

"Bring up information on the mother." She ordered, taking off her gloves. There was a curtain pulled around the now dead body. The doctors started to silently disperse for the next procedure, setting up to tell her loved ones that she had died.

"There is nothing about her. She has no will, no family, no one to take care of the baby." A nurse started to whisper to Mira, looking over a file.

"Ma'am." The nurse who was washing the baby, now held it in a towel. She brought it over to Y/N. "Do you mind holding him for a moment?"

"Of course." Y/N took the baby in my arms. His eyes were closed. Wisps of golden brown hair grew on his head.

His plump cheeks were blushed with rose. He wriggled a little in an ocean blue colored towel.

Y/N slowly reached down and touched his little chin. His hand popped out from the blanket and grasped onto her finger. His eyes opened and she froze.

They were deep blue... not unfamiliar to the ones she had once loved.

"We're going to have to send him to the orphanage." Mira mumbled, coming over to take him from Y/N.

"No." Y/N stepped back. Mira quirked an eyebrow, looking at her confused.

"What do you mean?" She asked.

"I'll take him. I'll adopt him. I'll raise him." Y/N blubbered.

"Y/N calm down, you don't even know the mother, let's think through this-"

"You have to understand! You told me you were Peter's Mira." She interrupted. "This is my Pete." Y/N glanced down to the baby still clutching her finger.

Mira paused and looked down. Her uncertainty faded and she conceded. "Well, he does have Peter's eyes." She chuckled.

-8 months later-

-Y/N's Perspective-

I clutched Pete in one hand as I pushed a box out of the way. I set Pete on the bed and took in a deep sigh.

The air smelled like cardboard, probably from all the moving boxes.

I couldn't believe only 8 months ago I had adopted a child. Since then, I had gotten a stable job, paid for an apartment, and was now moving in.

The sunlight filtered through the window a bit harshly. "Looks like curtains should be the first on our shopping list, huh Petey?" I tickled Pete's little tummy and he fell back giggling.

Something caught the corner of my eye, and I noticed a black box piled up on top of the brown ones.

I had been too heartbroken to open it after Peter's death... but I couldn't keep holding it off any longer. It followed me like a plague. I should just get it over with.

I walked over and brought the box over to the bed. I sat beside Pete and started to open it up. "Let's see what your father gave us." I muttered. I had already decided to raise Pete in a way that he recognized Peter as his father.

I opened the box to find heavy fabric. Confused, I pulled it out. At first, I thought it was a dress but it was much too long. Then I noticed the eyelets at the top.

"Curtains?" I almost let out a laugh. For our wedding gift, he had given me black curtains?

I went over to the window and started putting them on as Pete started playing with the box. I noticed a few small holes in the curtain, but didn't think much of it.

After I put them on, I noticed that the holes were scattered along the entire curtain. Light was seeping through it, making it look almost like... stars.

In amazement, I stepped back from the curtains, trying to look at them from a distance.

The stars weren't randomly scattered... they made a picture. My eyes widened as I saw me and Peter together silhouetted by the stars.

"Mama." Pete cooed on the bed. He was pointing at something on the wall across.

I turned around to see the holes in the curtain projected on to the wall casting the picture of us clearer.

"You're right, that is Mama." I picked up Pete.
"And that's your dad, Peter."

I then saw something that Pete was clutching on to. "What's this?" I asked, taking the note from him. He must've found it in the box.

My stomach fluttered as I looked down at Peter handwriting on it. Another note that I would cherish forever.

We will always be written in the stars-Peter

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