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I had long left Peter after I dared to give him a kiss. I didn't know how he'd react, so I'd gone away. We'd spent the whole night in the battle, so I retired to my bedroom to get some sleep. It was only a moment of time before Miraz's army would storm Aslan's How. I had to be well rested for the future fight.

Sleep came almost instantly as I laid my head on the pillow. Dreams followed. At first, I was on a ship, cruising the sea. And then I was walking in a forest. Then I came across a meadow. The sun shone on the horizon as my fingertips grazed the tall grass around me.

"Y/N." A deep voice said behind me. It startled me as I turned around.

I was face to face with a lion.

My first instinct was to run, but something grounded me where I stood. This was no ordinary lion... This was "Aslan?" I asked, unsure.

"Yes." The lion bowed ever so slightly.

"We've been searching for you. The Pevensies are waiting on you. We believe you can help us with the war." I told him. "Like you did last time..." I added, remembering how Lucy had said Aslan defeated the White Witch.

"Things never happen that same way twice." The lion shook his head, his golden mane ruffling and glinting golden as the sun reflected off it. "I will come when the time is right."

I nodded, understanding what he was saying. "Aslan... why am I here. What is my purpose?" I finally asked the question that had been burning in my mind ever since I got here.

"You have a great power Y/N, which I'm certain you've found out." His gaze flickered to my hands. I studied them, thinking back to when I had defeated that bear. "It comes with a price, but it is a powerful weapon if used properly."

"But it's not in any of the prophecies."

"Not all things are intertwined with Destiny. No one except the Pevensies know of this power. You will use it when the time comes." He explained.

"And how will I know?" I asked.

"You'll know." He smiled, slowly turning away. I could feel the edges of my dream blur, as if it were disappearing.

"Aslan?" I called out.

"Yes?" He glanced back.

"Is... is this all real... or is it happening inside my head?" I wasn't just referring to the dream. I was talking about all of Narnia. For some reason... it all seemed too good to be true.

"It could be happening inside your head." The lion said. "Why should that mean that it's not real?" With that the dream faded into black. I gasped, waking up. I sat up on my bed and held my head. Already the memory of the dream was fading.

Had I really seen Aslan? Had he really been in my dreams? Or was I getting too paranoid about the whole thing?

I got up from my bed, well rested. I needed some fresh air. I went down to the main floor, about to go outside when I noticed a strange silver glow coming from the main room. At first, I thought about ignoring it, but something inside me told me to follow it inside.

I went inside to see Caspian standing in front of the carving of Aslan. Except the carving was covered by a silver wall of ice in which I could see... a woman? There were two... things... with Caspian. One which seemed like a werewolf, and the other was a hag.

The werewolf grabbed Caspian's hand, and the hag cut it. I stepped forward. Was this normal? Should I be doing something? The woman in the ice stuck her hand out of the veil she seemed to be trapped in. She smiled, but none of the warmth reached her eyes.

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