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The first thing I heard in the morning was the twittering of the birds. The sun shone on my face, and I squinted at the sight. I felt myself laying sideways, my head on something that moved up and down. I soon came to realize I had been sleeping on Peter. One of his arms was under my neck and my head rested on his chest.

I sat up quietly trying not to wake him. I knew that he'd never let me live this down. I looked down at him before I decided to leave. His features rested peacefully, he seemed so serene. No proudful glint in his eye. No smirk. I smiled a little at his cute little state. He continued sleeping as I then slipped out of the blanket. I made my way down into my own room. I was just stepping inside when I heard a knock on the door.

I immediately jumped onto my bed, pretending to be half asleep inside it. "Yes?" I called out in a groggy voice.

"It's me Susan." Susan called back.

"Come in!" I said, sitting up. She came inside, already in her armor. She held a bundle of clothes in her hands. She placed those on the edge of my bed.

"These are your clothes for the war. There's also armor in here." She explained. I thanked her for it as she left. I looked outside. It had been pretty late when I had fallen asleep last night. And it looked like it was past midday already.

I got into the shower and bathed. After, I wore the clothes Susan had given me. It was a red dress, flowy at the bottom to help with movement. On top I wore the silver armor that was sturdy but flexible. By the time I came down, everyone was already huddled at the broken Stone Table.

Everyone except Peter.

When I arrived, Edmund looked towards me. "Ah, Y/N just the person I was waiting for." He walked over. "I want to give you this." He held out his hands in which was a sword. "I know you haven't had much training, but I don't want you going into the battle unarmed." He said.

"Thank you, Edmund!" I exclaimed, taking the sword from him. It was an honor to receive such a gift from the King.

"I have something for you as well." Caspian spoke up, walking towards me. He held out in his hand a small dagger, jeweled with red rubies that seemed to match my dress.

"Thank you." I breathed, taking the dagger in my hands. I assessed both the weapons, then put them in their respective sheaths. "I'm so honored that both of you thought me worthy to fight in this battle alongside you." I told both of them.

"The honor is ours." Caspian said as they both bowed. I felt a little weird getting their attention. Luckily, Lucy saved me.

"Where's Peter?" Lucy perked up.

"He's not usually late." Susan said. As if on cue, we heard footsteps behind us. Peter jogged in, running a hand through his uncombed hair. He was clearly in a rush.

"Speak of the devil." Edmund muttered.

Peter came to a stop beside me. "Couldn't you have woken me up too?" He nudged me.

"What does he mean?" Caspian asked. I immediately went red. I couldn't tell them I had slept with Peter the whole night. I had just gotten so much respect from them.

"He means I should've knocked on his door when I had woken up." I lied.

"He needs to learn to be on time without using a human alarm clock." Susan stated. "But now that everyone's here, let's start assembling the armies and riding out. If we leave in the next 30 minutes, we'll arrive at the castle at dawn." Susan ordered and everyone went to work.

I walked over to the carving of Aslan as everybody rushed out of the room. Leaving me alone. I looked down at the sword and dagger hanging on my side. I traced my finger over the designs on both the hilts. I had always wanted to use a sword, but I didn't want to associate with the killing involved. I couldn't imagine taking the life of another person.

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