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*Apologies, I owed you guys this chapter yesterday*


The morning held warmer air than the night had brought.

"Susan, get up!" I heard Lucy's voice.

"Certainly, Lu. Whatever you like." Susan rolled over and kept sleeping. I barely opened my eyes. I tried to shift my position, but I felt something behind my back. I turned over to see Peter snoring beside me. I hadn't realized how close I was to him. One shift and I'd practically be laying on top of him. I immediately moved away, sitting up.

"Where's Lucy?" Edmund said, his voice groggy. I looked to see Lucy missing. Everyone immediately started getting up at the news of Lucy gone. I was packing up my bedding when Peter stirred. He squinted, running a hand through his hair, and sitting up.

"Hurry Peter, Lucy's gone." I told him.

Peter looked up at me and nodded, picking up his things as well. We started walking off in the direction we presumed Lucy had went. "By the way Y/N..." Peter said as he walked up to me. "I was quite warm last night." He grinned.

"Not the time, Pete." I looked away from him trying to seem annoyed when actually my stomach fluttered.

"Pete? I like that nickname." He noted. I hadn't even realized I had called him that. I was about to say something when I heard a growl up ahead. But I also saw Lucy looking over a bush. I went over to where she was. She glanced at me, but then stared ahead at the noise as well.

I shifted my position to start peering over the bush, trying to get closer to the sound to see what it was. But I felt someone sneak up behind me and put a hand over my mouth, dragging me back slightly until my back was met with someone's chest.

"Shh it's a minotaur." Peter whispered right behind me, releasing me from his grasp.

Peter signaled us to be quiet, drawing his sword, and slowly started to walk towards the minotaur. But before I could shout a warning, a man came out from behind a tree. The two immediately began swinging their swords. Peter swung, then missed, and instead struck the side of a tree where his sword got stuck. He was unable to pull it off and the other man took his chance, kicking Peter back.

Peter didn't stay down and instead grabbed a rock. He got up and swung the rock just as the man grabbed the sword from the tree.

"No!" I exclaimed, coming out of my hiding spot. Both of the guys stopped, their weapons hung in midair. Slowly the funny looking creatures come out of hiding, as do the Pevensies and Trumpkin.

"The Narnians..." Trumpkin muttered. Some were human, others were hybrid of animals. Peter looked around then at the man standing before him.

"Prince Caspian?" Peter asked.

The man nodded. "Yes. And who are you?" He asked. Then he looked down at the sword in his hands, seeing the lion. He looked up at Peter, a little confusion in his eyes." High King Peter?"

"I believe you called." Peter nodded.

"Well yes, but..." Caspian took a glance around the rest of us. "I thought you'd be older."

"Well, if you'd like, we can come back in a few years." Peter joked, starting to turn away.

"No! No, that's alright." Caspian put a hand up. "You're just..." His eyes flickered to me. "You're not exactly what I expected." He was now staring directly at me. His hair was long and parted down the middle. His eyes had that same dark steeled focus that I saw in Peter's.

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