Season 1: 1# A Month Later

Start from the beginning

Tommy: The interface of the BiPAP could vary, in my case, I had a full-face mask that covered both my mouth and nose. It happened in Germany when Andrew took out my PICC line, I lost a lot of blood and my blood pressure and oxygen levels dropped.

Toby: I had a nasal mask BiPAP.

Aimee: Okay, thanks for answering.

My teammates and I finally reached Mat's room and he's still asleep and the tube is still in his mouth. However, he woke up, this is the first time in a month we saw his brown eyes. But he still looks sad. Brad's right about the post sepsis syndrome and Mat's already experiencing it even with the tube. Then, a small team of doctors and nurses came in and I recognised one of them.

Zach: Prof. Williams?

Prof. Williams: Long time no see, Zach. How are you doing?

Tommy: Wait, do I know you?

Prof. Williams: Yeah, when you were treated for sepsis and an infected wound.

Aimee: You know the Zodiac heroes?

Prof. William: Yeah, I'm one of the teachers who teamed up with them.

Mr Tan: Hi Chelsea.

Prof. Williams: Hi Jerry. So, you guys managed to expand your team already. I'm impressed.

Mr Tan: We also got the other Guardians.

Larry: Hi.

Brad: There are 11 right now, 9 of us are Guardians who are part of the Zodiac heroes. I just became the Guardian

Prof. Williams: Then why are there 8 of you?

Ben W: Because one of us, my husband, is on that bed.

Prof. Williams: Wait, he's a Guardian? How is he that sick?

Brad: Lunatite poisoning, typhoid, pneumonia, pulmonary fibrosis, anorexia and sepsis. However, he woke up from his coma so we're going to extubate him.

Prof. Williams: Oh okay.

Brad: But we have to put him on BiPAP, his oxygen levels are still not okay. You lot, don't enter the room, please.

Joanna: Why would we?

Brad, Prof. Williams and the other doctors and nurses entered Mat's room in order to wean him out of the breathing tube and replace it with a BiPAP. The rest of us watched as Brad lowers down the oxygen and prepare to pull out the tube.

Brad's POV

I lowered down the oxygen in the ventilator before extubating Mat. However, it seems like he wanted to make out one more request before he's extubated. I managed to make out what he was trying to say because of my telepathy. However, Chelsea seems confused about what he's making out because you can't talk with a tube shoved down your throat.

Prof. Williams: What is he trying to say?

Brad: He wanted his husband by his side.

Prof. Williams: I thought you don't want anyone in this room.

Brad: Let's make this an exception. I'll get Ben here right next to Mat while we extubate him.

Prof. Williams: Alright then. Just remember that the team is also prepping him before extubation. Just one more question. Do we have to take out the nasogastric tune when we put him on BiPAP?

Brad: No, he'll need to keep it on throughout his hospital stay. And we might have to get him on physical therapy as well. Anyway, I'll go get Ben.

Prof. Williams: Mat must be lucky to get a husband.

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