Mr Sexy's Sexy Act

Start from the beginning

I smiled and took a parcel of food from his hand. He took me to the terrace of the house which was huge and the view of the ocean from there was spectacular. Two chairs and a circular table with a small lantern were kept there. Impressive.

He pulled a chair for me and he sat on the seat next to mine.
"I don't like sitting on the opposite seat. It gets too far."

I blushed hard and looked at the stars above so that I didn't have to look at him. Kenny served us dinner in one plate and I looked at him in amusement. So he explained, "This is what eating together means. I hope you don't mind. I am vaccinated and my covid test is negative."
Ah! What a Romantic.

I laughed at his idea and we started eating. Amidst lots of talks on random topics and leg-pulling, we finished our dinner. I was telling him about how boring life in Sugar Coast was when Kenny suddenly kissed me. I was startled for once but kissed him with all my attention. He was chewing my lips like they were his favourite candy and I felt dizzy with the proximity.

"Al, I am now going to take you to an altogether different planet. Are you sure you want to come? I don't want to force you into this."

I gave Kenny a quick peck and pulled his collar. I loved the liberty of exercising authority on my million dollar dream. "If you talk about this one more time I will change my decision because honestly, I think we are past the stage of seeking permission."

I don't know what got into Kenny, he picked me up in his arms like a man picked his bride before entering his house and made me lie down on a bed in the farthest corner of the terrace. "Don't move." He spelt the charm and I stopped breathing too. He got the lantern whose light was flickering. The night was breezy and cold but the goosebumps on my skin were a result of the man who was taking me in his glorious fold.

Kenny sat next to me and muttered "Fuck" under his breath. "I don't know what to do, Al. I am feeling so nervous right now. I mean..." Kenny cupped my face in his palms and looked into my eyes, "you are too precious. Just don't hate me, ever. Even if I do something you don't like, just don't hate me."

"If you did something I don't like, I would knock you down. You know I can." Humour was a genre that eased off tension and right now, we both were so tensed. I didn't want Kenny to back out because I wanted him so badly that I could fight the stars, if I had to, to be with him.

"Knock me down, like hell, Al." Kenny's suggestive statement earned him a light punch on his biceps. Oh! They were so firm. There was nothing that could wipe off my smile. For the first time in my life, I was so happy. Sin was a favour.

Kenny pulled me on his lap and traced my face with his long fingers. His finger moved on the lengths of my neck and was going down. I felt bubbles of joy in my heart. I was being touched so tenderly that I fell in love with myself. I was beautiful.
While Kenny was doing magic with his fingers not touching me anywhere "inappropriately" I was just looking in his eyes. My trance broke when his hand touched my thighs and went upwards.

I was scared and could not look into his eyes any longer. Kenny made me lie down and whispered in my ear, "Trust me, please."  If the phrase "fears flew away" had to be explained with an example, it would be the moment Kenny implanted faith in me.

Kenny's hand went up and he was somewhere near my abdomen. He left the vaginal region for a reason or hesitation, I didn't know. He came over without putting his weight on me and took me in a deep, passionate kiss. He unzipped my dress and touched my back with his huge palm. I stiffened and Kenny broke the kiss to observe me. I blinked my eyes and confirmed I was fine. So, he brought my dress a bit down and kissed my shoulder. The lucky right shoulder wanted to dance.

Kenny was kissing me right to left. From shoulder to the hollow of the neck which aroused me limitlessly making me arch my back and beg him to leave me. Guess, Kenny spotted my sweet spot and attacked the place with butterfly and wet kisses. My left side was finally happy to be cherished by the devil.

My hands which were jobless till now found a job of undressing the onscreen macho-man. He was so manly. Absolutely gorgeous. His chest was broad and his muscles bulged out. The eight-pack abs I drooled over were just mine to touch, tonight.
I wanted to know where his soft spot was so I took the lead and kissed him all over. Every inch of his face, chest, shoulders, neck and I finally found his ears were touch-sensitive. I teased him kissing and cooing in his ears. He was sometimes helpless and sometimes asked me to stop between his giggles.

I was enjoying torturing him but I didn't survive long because he pinned me down all of a sudden and lowered my dress revealing my black underwired bra that secured my feminine twins. My eyes widened in surprise and Kenny kissed my forehead. Kisses on the forehead are heavenly and in that moment I knew Kenny conveyed to me, I was beautiful without even giving a glance at what he was getting.

"I love you," I said to him but on mute.

Kenny slowly got rid of my bra making me aware of what lovemaking was. Our deal was only hugs and kisses but whatever was happening was beyond our control. I hugged him tightly because it was so cold? Not really. I was extremely shy.

"Don't steal my idea. I wanted to be glued to you, you can't use it before I do."

My smile was shyer than those Indian brides who didn't even lift their eye lashes. Kenny took a different route and kissed my neck to reach my breasts. He fondled them, kissed them and played with them as he liked earning moans, soft and loud, depending on his actions.

"Eh! Kenny!" I moaned the loudest when he took my nipple in his mouth. I loved it. Kenny probably couldn't take it slow after that because like a hungry lion he explored my entire body that was bare of any clothes. He took off his pants in a hurry and I admired the thick dick he owned proudly.

We took turns and made love to each other. Cherished each other. I found his lower abdomen the sexiest. It was well-toned and made Kenny take my name like a chant when I showered wet kisses there.

"You are crazy, Al. Stop! I can't take it anymore." Kenny literally removed me from above him and breathed hard. I laughed at his discomfort, not shy to hide my naked self so clearly visible to him. "Lie down," he ordered me and I disobeyed. He repeated but I told him to ask politely. He gritted his teeth to show he was angry but I knew he was desperate.

"Sweetheart, please lie down." He broke the rule. No endearments, please, else I would fall harder than I already had.

Kenny looked at me one final time before entering inside me. "Didn't you wear a condom?"

"I don't have any and your grandfather said he and your granny didn't need any now."

What the FUCK! I won't fuck!
Dear Readers
I hope you enjoyed this mildly steamy chapter. Albeli and Kenny have decided to commit the sin of lust but will the absence of any condoms create a problem?
Read and find out in the next chapter.

Lots of love!

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