A Khajiit Princess

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It isn't hard to stereotype the Khajiit, and many of them give in and become those stereotypes. After all, if everyone expects you to be a thief, why not become one? Qa'Nabi is one of those Khajiit, much to the dismay of her sister, and the other caravans.

"Qa'Nabi! Tsst! Leave it! Skyrim hates us as is."

The young cat looks up sharply from the lockbox, one of her claws already poking into the lock. She hisses back at her sister and pulls her hands away, clenching them info fists by her sides.

"You don't even want to know what is inside, Akhari?"

The two bicker quietly, following behind the Imperial caravan that was transporting prisoners through to Helgen, it was their safest way of travelling across the border.

Zaynabi snickers and elbows both Dro'marash and Kharjo as they walk by her sides, nodding towards the squabbling litter mates.

"It surprises nobody that they are related." One of the two caravan guards remarked, earning a scowl from both sisters over their shoulders.

And it was true. Disregarding their personalities, even their appearances were strikingly alike, which is somewhat surprising, given that littermates born days apart could walk on two or four legs depending on the moon.

Both dark brown, their fur almost black, striking blue eyes. The biggest difference was the white patch over Qa'Nabi's eye. Their parents had always said her face was kissed by Fadomai herself.

Ahkari wrapped an arm around her sister and licked her cheek, "stay out of trouble, little one. When I was younger I had an unfortunate talent for getting myself involved in misunderstandings with the law, it is why I am now unwelcome in both Cyrodiil and our homeland of Elsweyr. You are lucky that Ri'saad looked past all that for me, otherwise where would you have gone when you started causing troubles for our parents, hmm?"

"Mama says you brought shame upon us."

"Tsst! Enough now. And do not steal anything in Helgen. These Imperials will have your head."

Ahkari was more right than she realised, the Stormcloak soldiers sitting in the carriage just ahead of them were on their way to the Headsman's block.

Scaled armor rattling slightly, soft leather boots with metal plating crunching on the thin layer of snow and gravel on the ground as they arrived at the town, Qa'Nabi remembered something that her parents had told her when she said she was going to travel with her sister.

"This one thought Khajiit were not allowed inside the cities of Skyrim?"

Akhari nodded, "this is true, but Helgen is not a city, is just a small town. Maybe smaller than Sheeraln, it has been a while since I visited it. We can enter towns like Helgen, Shor's Stone, Karthwasten and some others. And this is not all Khajiit, just us caravans, they think us to be smugglers of Skooma."

"Skooma is illegal in Skyrim?"

Qa'Nabi patted the satchel at her hip, knowing it was stuffed with skooma and little silk pouches of moon sugar.

Ok, maybe even more of the stereotypes about Khajiit are true.

A few Thalmor were sat on horseback, and looked disgusted when they entered the city. They made Qa'Nabi feel on edge, inferior. She shrank down in her armor and lowered her gaze to the floor, she knew a little about them and really didn't want them to have reason to pick on her.

She knew a little about them, about why they were here, both in Skyrim and more specifically in Helgen. They obviously wanted to oversee the execution of the one the men were calling Ulfric Stormcloak.

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