The Part With Unicorn Sausage

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This chapter used my chapter two draft beginning, with Scott and Gem and Sausage. I think Gem gets corrupted by the Xornoth crystal, humans are nearly extinct, and then the unicorns...
Parts I wrote are in italics. Enjoy.

"Petty humans," muttered the elven prince, landing in a small village at the base of a cliff. "Gem!" he called. "Miss Wizard Gemini Tay!" 

"What do you want?" called a voice Scott did not want to hear, as two redheads and a brunette peered at him from the pracariously perched house. Two pairs of artificial wings fluttered, along with only slightly more genuine crystal-incrusted enchanted ones. Humans. The vivid-haired twins were half a step behind Lord Sausage. He was as petty as Count fWhip, just less charismatic. "Leave!" 

 Barely, neither of them were.

 A crystalline laugh sounded behind the two children. "Please don't, Scott. I invited him," Gem explained to her brother and his partner-in-crime. "You're just staying late. Please, leave." She shooed the boys away, and ushered the elf into the nearest building, her apothecary. 

 "Why did you summon me so urgently?" he asked calmly. There were few people he would see on such short notice, but Gem was one of them. "I.... found something. I was doing research-- field work, for a change. The wizard tomes are a bit outdated. They're older than you." She laughed a bit. She had a lovely laugh. "Anyways, I was at the coastline and found something rather interesting... well, just come see." Gem flitted her wings slightly. They weren't quite natural, but they sometimes showed her emotions. "Please. It's in the back."

 When Scott peeked through a barred window, he found Gem standing next to a woman, about as tall as a child, and far, far smaller. The woman had just torn off an antler, and Gem was inspecting it with an unnerving fascination. "What is it?" asked Scott, snapping his fingers to get Gem's attention. 

 "I found the source of magic! I found the blade that created magic," she announced. The blade twitched as if trying to slice her arm off, then sat still again. "It's here, in this room. It's a lot less healthy. There is a massive magical energy draw, and it took the master a long time to create it. Now I just need to bring it into this room and onto my person, and I'll have unlimited magic powers!" 

 Scott waited. Gem started scratching at the back of her head, eyes faraway and slightly delirious. "I'm sorry, I'm still a bit tired from the barbeque. Remember? Well, me and Lord Sausage were going to do it tonight, but we just got here and I thought I'd check out this spot first. Also, something's wrong. Not a lot. Just... a teeny bit." 

 The crystal Elvish power that held her in place lost its grip, and Gem jumped from the window and ran for the door. "One sec!" she called, frantically dodging people and magical objects as she ran. Scott scrambled after her, sword out, stopping only when he collided with her, Gem screaming in pain. 

 "Gem, wait!" The strange looking thing Gem clutched in her hand, a blood red gem, but in her magical form--and it was obvious she was magical, although perhaps a type of human--seemed to be calling to him. "What's wrong?" he asked, taking the gem from her hand. 

 "There was a major magical rift in the manor that only this gem could dispel. It wasn't as big as this room, but it was about the same size. This gem I hold contains a massive amount of magical energy. Like you did," she finished, her eyes lowering and her head ducking. 

 She took a step back, and turned her back to him, running, past him and the window, her eyes the most unreadable yet. Scott ran after her, and she slipped into a hollowed out log, next to a tree. 

 He stood, only to hear her call out, "Scott, I'm sorry! I'm so sorry, please don't leave! Please, please! Please!" 

 Scott sat on the bed, looking out the window. Someone pounded on the door, only moments later. "Are you up?" asked an unfamiliar voice. 

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