"Does that mean you and Kai oppa aren't together anymore?"

Jennie almost hated how aware Ella was. She felt like she was traumatizing her.

"Yes Ella, we're not together anymore."

"Because you love mama."

Jennie almost swerved into traffic.

"I—I mean. I just wasn't happy with Kai, but it took me a little while to realize it."

"So you and mama aren't going to marry each other?" Ella asked seriously, brows furrowing.

Jennie decided to tell her daughter the truth. She had been fooling herself in trying to hide anyway, her daughter was perceptive. She pulled into her best friends' house before turning the car off and turning to Ella.

"I can't marry your mama Ella, as much as much as I want to."

That confused Ella.

"Why not?"

"Because I broke her heart."


"I chose to get married to your oppa and that hurt her feelings."

"But you both love each other." Ella said frustratedly. "Why can't you just get married now?"

Jennie didn't know what to say to that. She was inclined to agree with Ella anyway. She chose to deflect instead, "let's go say hi to your aunties."


"Flank my left Ella!"

"No, your other left!"

"That's it! Sneak up on him!" Jisoo continued, pressing the buttons on her controller furiously.

"You're right there! Get his ass!"

"Take that you son of a bi—" she said as Ella headshot yet another player when suddenly a hand was splayed over Jisoo's mouth, not letting her finish her sentence.

"I'm taking your games away," said the blonde seriously, her hand still over Jisoo's mouth. She had just walked into the room to find Ella and Jisoo yelling at the tv as they played some shooting game.

Jisoo looked down dejectedly.

"Haaaaa! Take that you noob!" Ella chimed in suddenly.

They both turned just in time to see Ella win the match. She looked up at her aunties proudly.

"Babe, the baby genius has the potential to be a professional gamer. Don't take my games away. Let me play with her pleaseeee." Jisoo said seriously.

"20 minutes, then you have to come down for dinner, and I better not hear another curse out of your mouth Kim Jisoo!"

The girls fist bumped each other.

"I won't babe! I promise!"

Five minutes later Chaeyoung heard a loud "Fuck!!" coming from the game room. She just rolled her eyes as she continued to make dinner with Jennie.

Jennie laughed out loud, "she's worse than a teenage boy."

"I'll pay for Ella's therapy when she grows up." Chaeyoung sighed.

"You just got MURKED by a six year old you little bitch," Jisoo was heard cackling, "yeah, yeah go cry to your mommy, I bet you still live in her basement anyway."

"Kim Jisoo! What did I say!" Chaeyoung yelled from the kitchen.

She heard a meek "Sorry babe."

"And stop trying to make grown men cry!"

Jennie giggled even harder. Rosie had literally just punched a grown man hours before and here she was scolding her wife over talking shit to people online. She loved her friends so much.


Lisa called Chaeyoung in the middle of them making dinner.

Rosie had glanced at Jennie quickly before answering the call.

Jennie had been too afraid to talk to Lisa, she hadn't told her she had ran away from Kai yet.

"Hey Lis."

"Just making dinner."

"Oh, um, yeah I did talk to her today," Rosie sent an apprehensive glance towards Jennie.

"Don't worry so much Lis, I'm sure she'll talk to you soon."

"I know."

"It'll be fine Lisa, just be patient, she probably has some things going on right now." She looked at Jennie apologetically as she spoke to Lisa.

She hung up the phone. "You really need to talk to her Jennie."

Jennie sighed. "I know. I'm just scared. Something happened last night, I don't want her to think she ruined my marriage when it was very clearly fucked up to begin with but I know Lisa, she'll just blame herself."

"What are you so scared of?" Rosie asked gently.

"I keep ruining her Rosie. Everything I do just makes her feel awful or guilty. I'm not good for her."

"Jennie, how can you say that, she loves you."

"I know hubby. I know she does. That's why I hate this so much." Jennie couldn't help the tears from falling.

"I don't get it Jen," Rosie said honestly.

"I don't deserve her Rosie. I don't deserve her love and I know she would drop anything for me and I just can't because all I do is make her miserable. I just can't get it right."

Rosie wrapped Jennie into her arms, "God Jennie, you need to just let yourself be happy for once."

"Not at the expense of hurting Lisa," Jennie said.

Rosie wanted to smack her. This girl just didn't understand that the only thing hurting Lisa was not having Jennie. She sighed heavily.

"I hope one day you'll understand," Rosie whispered.

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