Part 4

537 13 15

Hello again, sorry its been like a year lmao

Disclaimer: I don't own Marvel.

TW: graphic descriptions of torture, blood

3rd Person P.O.V.

Peter opened his eyes slowly, the world barely focusing around him. His stomach felt hollow; most likely he hadn't eaten. He blinked, frowning as he noticed his (slightly blurred) surroundings.

"Hello, little spider."

A man stood not too far from Peter, face darkened by shadows. His voice chilled the young hero to the bone– something sinister hid behind that tone. A low laugh escaped from the shadowed man, a gentle clinking of metal objects echoing through the room.

"Hold still, now. It'll be easier for us both if you just submit."

The voice had gotten closer, a shiver racking Peter's oddly frail body. Footsteps echoed in such a way that he couldn't quite pinpoint where they were coming from. It almost sounded like they surrounded him, but he couldn't be sure. His vision was failing him, body weak from whatever horrors he had been through previously. His memory was messed up too, whatever had happened was just a blip in his mind.

"Go ahead. Video's ready when you are."

There was a bit of shuffling– sounding a bit too close for comfort– and then a short beeping sound from further away.

"Project Seahorse, early stage testing. Subject: Peter Parker, AKA 'Spiderman'. Test: pain management and healing factor."

Normally, hearing this would've sparked fear and defiance in Peter, but he was already quite out of it. Words meant nothing to him, just a jumble of sounds mushed together. In a coherent state, he would've understood, the sinister undertones standing out more against the scene.

No such luck.

The pain was sudden, without warning, and incredibly overwhelming. His spider sense, usually on top of things, had sputtered out uselessly, hardly even caring to alert him of the bat that was about to make contact with his chest. The wind was knocked out of him, ribs soon to be sore and bruised, if not broken.

Small, sharp objects cut into his skin, making Peter cry out in pain. He could feel the blood trickling out of the cuts, slipping down his skin and dripping onto the floor.




Peter could hear drops of blood hit the floor, splashing lightly as a puddle formed beneath him. There was a lot of blood, Peter could tell that much... and more was being forced out of him as the strange man continued to mutilate his body. He felt faint, hanging on by a thread. He wouldn't last much longer like this, he knew that much.

"Hey man, maybe calm down a little... you don't want to actually kill him."

The man attacking Peter stopped, pausing his assault to respond. His voice was harsh, lashing out with a sharp hiss of red-hot anger.

"You know the drill, we go until he's unconscious. It's a test, Marty, not a goddamn pity sesh!"

With that, the man picked up the bat once more, winding up to swing at Peter's head, full-force. Time seemed to move in slow motion for a moment, the last few milliseconds of agonizing consciousness before that crippling blow to the head.

Peter's world fell into a blissful state of darkness, all awareness gone on strike for the time being. Hopefully, he would be able to recover from this.


Peter sat up, gasping. It took him a moment to come to his senses, heart rate remaining quick and frightened despite the calm and quiet atmosphere of the med bay. His hand gripped at his chest desperately, grabbing a tight fistful of his shirt.

He was fine. He was safe. It was just a dream– no, a nightmare. Just a nightmare. It wasn't real.

And yet, he couldn't help but feel that something else was going on here. It had felt so real... almost like a memory. Could it be possible that the answer to his questions resided in his horrifying nightmares?

Peter sighed, letting out a long puff of air. His heart was still beating faster than it should, but he had calmed down enough to think logically. Really, what were the chances any of that actually happened? He had no solid memory of any of it, minus his nightmare. Seems unlikely.

Although it was unlikely for him to get bitten by a radioactive spider.

And it was unlikely for him to live in Stark Tower with most of the Avengers.

And it was unlikely for him to be a pregnant 16-year-old virgin who was biologically male.


Honestly I don't have a solid plan for this yet but uhh... I'm trying to write more of it, hopefully I can finish before I go to college...

Also ill probably go back and edit the first few parts at some point, both for the timeline and also bc I'm pretty sure there aren't any TWs and there probably should be

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 26, 2022 ⏰

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