Part 3

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Oh can we try not to point out medical inaccuracies (unless it's like shockingly bad), this is literally a story about a pregnant male spider/human mutant. There's no amount of research I can do to make this accurate lmao

Disclaimer: I don't own Marvel.

3rd Person P.O.V.

Peter woke up suddenly, heart pounding. He fought the urge to scream, the panic and fear barely being held in. He had a nightmare, another repressed memory from his time in captivity. He saw the fuzzy outline of a man, a wicked grin on his face. His words still echoed in Peter's head.

"Hello, little spider."

The teen shivered, goosebumps forming under his loose shirt. The sinister tone of the man, along with the fact that whoever it was had known his secret, was terrifying to the 16 year-old. He just wished for everything to be normal again, to have the freedom and experiences of a normal teenager. But Peter couldn't be further from normal, especially right now.


"Peter! Glad to see you awake." Bruce looked him up and down cautiously. "Do you remember what happened?" The teen shook his head, cocking an eyebrow.

"No... why? What happened?" He questioned. Bruce sighed.

"Try not to pass out this time, it's not good for, uh, the baby. You're pregnant," he admitted. Peter's eyes flew open in shock, his features contorting into an expression of horror.

"Wha- how- huh?" Peter sputtered.

"That's what we're trying to figure out. All we know is that it most likely has something to do with the fact that you were experimented on." Peter sat quietly, trying to process all of this. When he finally spoke up, his voice dropped to a whisper.

"What am I going to do?" He asked brokenly. Bruce frowned, pity for the young boy exploding in his chest.

"I- I don't know, Peter. But Tony and I are going to do everything we can to help you," the doctor replied truthfully.

"Damn right we are." Tony entered the room, making a beeline to Peter's bedside. "How're you feeling, Underoos?"

"Not great," the spider-powered teen muttered, his voice low and rather flat. Tears pricked at the corners of his eyes, his emotions treating him like a rollercoaster. Tony gave a sympathetic smile.

"It's ok, kid," he reassured. "It's gonna be ok." Peter's head turned so fast Tony thought it would give him whiplash.

"How can you promise that?!" He cried, tears flowing freely now. "You don't know!"

"You're right, I don't. But Bruce and I are going to do everything we can to help you, and that's a promise." Tony grabbed the teens hands, trying to provide some comfort. "Hey. Don't worry, kiddo, it's all going to be ok in the end." Peter sniffled quietly, nodding. Bruce stepped in, a pitiful half-smile donning his features.

"So, Peter, from what we've seen, the baby appears to be developing at an accelerated rate," he informed, flipping through the pages on his clipboard. "Since we're assuming you were impregnated around two months ago, your expected due date is sometime in April. That's about three months from now."

"I think I'm gonna be sick..." Tony grabbed a bucket quickly, pushing it into Peter's lap just in time. The brunette spilled his guts, wiping at his mouth with a groan before laying back against the bed.

"I know it's scary, kiddo, but we're doing everything we can. You've been excused from school, you just have to do your work from here. And you'll have us to help you. Just no Spidermanning or training, nothing too strenuous at all," Tony insisted. Peter sighed, looking down at his stomach angrily. It looked awfully flat.

"Are you absolutely sure I'm pregnant? It doesn't look like it..." He placed a hand over his stomach, feeling a slight bulge. He pulled his hand back quickly, eyes wide.

"You felt it, didn't you?" Bruce asked curiously, scribbling something down on his clipboard. "It's still tiny, but within the next month or so you'll begin to develop a baby bump," he stated, finally looking up at the scared teen. "You'll probably be on bed rest for the last few weeks, since your body wasn't meant to carry a child." Peter's eyebrows furrowed, his eyes darting to the side as he tried to hold back tears.

"We'll be here for you, I promise. Everyone is going to help you through this," Tony reassured, smiling awkwardly. Peter looked down at his lap miserably.

"I don't want the others to know," he whispered, voice breaking with tears. He sniffed, wiping at his eyes quickly. Tony nodded quickly, frowning.

"They don't have to know, kiddo, but..." he sighed, putting a hand to his head. "It'll be difficult to hide, especially when you start showing... and then bed rest..." he trailed off, seeing the anxious look on the teenager's face. "But I promise none of them are going to give you shit for it. I'm sure everyone will just want to help support you," Tony soothed. Peter sighed, nodding.

"Alright... but only once I start... showing." The expression felt foreign on his tongue, and it left a bad taste in his mouth. Nothing about this was right.

hopefully you enjoyed so far :)

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