Part 2

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keep in mind that this isn't my priority, but I am trying to update this I really am

Disclaimer: I don't own Marvel.

Peter tossed his head, gripping his sheets. He was in agony, even while unconscious. The pain was intense, more so than anything he had ever felt. Even getting shot hurt less than this strange pain in his stomach.

Peter was dreaming, horrible, graphic flashbacks to a time he had forgotten. At least, he thought so. But the memories came back, the awful, pain-filled memories of his time in captivity. They weren't exactly clear, but Peter knew enough. He wished it had stayed forgotten, because not knowing hurt less than this horrible truth.

"Peter, you're awake. I need to talk to you," Bruce stated, a strange look on his face.

"Okay," Peter agreed hesitantly.

"We think we have a diagnosis. But I would still like to perform a few tests, just to make sure," he informed. "Or, rather, one test."

"What's wrong with me?" Peter questioned. "Please, I need to know." Bruce sighed.

"I know, Peter, and we will tell you. But first, I would really like to confirm the results, since they were a little... strange." The spider-powered teen frowned, but didn't protest. Bruce wheeled Peter's bed into a small room, containing a piece of equipment.

"What is that?" Peter asked, his voice wavering. Bruce connected a few wires, turning on a screen.

"An ultrasound machine," he answered, searching around in a small drawer. He produced a tube of what looked like gel, placing it on the desk. "Will you lift up your shirt for me, please?" Peter did as asked, pulling at the soft fabric. "This is going to be a bit cold, just a warning." The tube of gel was uncapped, the contents being squirted into Peter's stomach.

"Ah!" Peter reacted. "What, did you refrigerate that or something?" Bruce chuckled softly, pulling out a small device. It looked like a stick of deodorant, with wires coming out the bottom. Bruce pressed it against the gel on Peter's abdomen, staring at the screen as he moved it around. Peter shivered at the odd feeling, hating the sensation of having the cold gel rubbed into his skin. Bruce was focused on the screen, freezing when he went over a certain section of Peter's abdomen.

"What is it?" The teen questioned, his voice small. Bruce continued staring at the screen, running over the same part of Peter's stomach over and over again, as if what he saw would change of he did it enough. As he repeated the motion, his jaw dropped ever-so-slightly. "Mister Doctor Banner? What's wrong?"

"Oh! Sorry Peter, I was just... shocked," Bruce answered, an uncomfortable look on his face.

"Good shocked or bad shocked?" Bruce rubbed the back of his neck, switching off the ultrasound. He wiped away the gel on Peter's stomach. The spider-kid's anxiety rose with every passing moment of silence. "Please, just tell me what's wrong with me!" He begged. Bruce wheeled his bed back to the med bay, sighing.

"I think Tony should hear this too. FRIDAY? Tell Tony he's needed in the med bay." Peter fiddled with his shirt anxiously. Whatever was wrong with him, it must be bad. He wondered if he was going to die. Maybe that's why Bruce wasn't telling him.

"Bruce, what's going on? Is everything ok?" Tony looked anxiously at Peter, the worry evident in his tired features. Bruce sighed, nodding to Tony. "Wait, seriously? How?" Peter looked back and forth between the two men.

"What is it!?" He exclaimed.

"Peter... I don't know how this is even possible, but... you're pregnant," Bruce admitted. Peter's jaw went slack.

"I don't feel so good..." He held a hand to his head dizzily. The young hero's eyes rolled back into his head, his body going limp.

"Peter! Bruce, what just happened to him!?" Tony questioned, looking over Peter's limp form worriedly.

"It's most likely he passed out from shock, Tones. It is a pretty terrifying diagnosis for a 16 year-old male," he pointed out. "It's definitely unexpected."

"I know... I just want him to be ok. And I don't really know how this could've possibly happened," Tony frowned. Bruce nodded sympathetically.

"I don't quite understand it either, but I'm assuming it has something to do with the fact that he was experimented on."


"Remember around 2 months ago when Peter went missing for a few days?" Tony furrowed his eyebrows. "Apparently he got experimented on by whoever had taken him. And whatever they did somehow made this possible," Bruce explained. "At least, that's the most reasonable explanation for it. It could always be a side effect of the spider bite, but that seems unlikely."

"Why didn't he tell us? I knew something was off with him when he came back..." Tony groaned. "I should've tried harder to get him to tell me what happened, why didn't I ask more questions?"

"Tony. You can't blame yourself for this, how could you have known? Besides, if he wanted you to know, he would've told you sooner," Bruce replied.

"I just want him to be ok," Tony sighed, looking worriedly at the unconscious teen.

"He will be, Tones. He will be."

I've made myself promise to try and work on this story as much as I can, so expect more (as long as it gets enough attention cause like... I'm not gonna write it if nobody cares)

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