but you walked past me, like i wasn't there

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he pulled his hand away from me. "sasuke, i don't want to see you anymore, just leave me alone, please?" he said as he walked off. what did i expect? i deserved this.

i deserved the treatment he was giving me. i cheated on him, dumped him without an explanation, and ignored him, for weeks on end. not once did i think about how he might've been affected by my actions.

and it wasn't until a two weeks ago i really began to realize how much i wanted, needed him. i couldn't remember to eat, i was slacking on my school work, the dorm room stayed empty all day and night, and i had no naruto there to cheer me up when i was feeling down.

i had no soft blond locks to play with, no soft warm lips to kiss, no whiskered cheeks to run my fingers over, no blue eyes to stare into, no soft warm hand to hold, i had nothing. without naruto, i am nothing.

save your tears # sasunaruWhere stories live. Discover now