Chapter 2

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Chapter 2: The Start of the Grand order

(Was the title good?)

Btw vote. My mission is to pass my old story


Hitori's POV

2weeks has passed since we left our home. I was hiding in Gudako's shadow to keep a low profile but wow this ability is the best!

Enough with the Ability and so we're at Chaldea's entrance how did we got here? I have no idea apparently there was this cheesy truck that says fast travel but meh

So Gudako then starts walking as we see people in a line. Apparently it was a test when people has a problem with the admission thing

To bad for sis her Mana is Almost Average and apparently the testing thing requires a bit of Mana... Imma just pray to Ben to not make us w8

"Yo onii-chan"

Hitori then heard Gudako in his head as he replied "what's up"


A/N: I forgot to put that you can talk telepathically when Hitori goes into a person shadow

But meh imma just write the Shadow camouflage description

Shadow Camouflage - Can go into a person's shadow and can suppress every single thing emotions blood lust ECT and can go into a person head and aquire info and if he want he can talk


"What's up?"

"Nothing... I'm just feeling lonely that's all" Gudako then sweats abit

"*SIGH* don't I'll be here for you always" Hitori said reassuring her everything gonna be all right

Please place your hand into the scanner

"Oh I'm next" Gudako places her hand in the scanner as it does it's job

Name: Fujimaru Ritsuka
Candidate number: 48
Base sequence: Human Genome Confirmed

Alignment: Lawful-Neutral

"I think this machine is broken. Sis isn't Neutral" Hitori thought to himself

So if people wondered why her name is Change she Changed it except for me to keep a low profile. Every single mage in the world knows who are the Emiya's... Who doesn't

Welcome to the Data Center for the future of man kind

Welcome Fujimaru ritsuka
This. Is. Chaldea.

Fingerprint, voiceprint, Data Authentication Clear?
Magical circuit assessment cleared

You are now recognize as a member of the primates

[My World and my Sins] FateGrand: Orderजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें