💚💙My heart is breaking 💚💙

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" How  is he" I ask as I walk back through the door.
" Fuck Harry, go clean yourself up, if he wakes up and sees you in this state he will run like crazy".
I look down onto myself and I see not only my knuckles covered in blood but as well as my clothes.
" So who was it that broke the agreement?".
" Scotty and dog" I spit out  "and let's say there will be no more agreements broken again, I have put the word out that anyone who deifies me will suffer the same fate".
" How's the boy" I ask leaning over him seeing his chest moving a little easier.
" He is stable for now, but Harry this kid has been living it tough, his body is covered  in so many bruises and cut, some fresh, some healing, some old, after looking over him and running a few test he has had  A numerous amount of broken bones , and some of the scars on this kid , god Harry he must have been through some crazy shit".
  My heart breaks at hearing this , I brush my finger tips across his forehead.
" What  is your story my beautiful blue eye boy?" I whisper.
I step back and leave the room going to clean myself up, after a quick shower I return to find Louis still in the same condition, his skin pale , his body still.
I pull a chair close to his bed and pick up his hand holding it , it is cold to touch .
I don't understand these feeling I am experiencing , why am I so drawn to this boy, why does my heart skip a beat when our eyes connect, why do I feel sparks when We touch.
Liam walks back in the door raising his eyebrow at me holding his hand.
" What?" I say .
" Has the mean and tough Harry Styles found His Achilles heel".
" Shut up Liam" I say feeling a blush creeping up my face.
" How's  he doing?".
" No change yet, but that's a good thing, he is not getting worse".
" Was he raped"?I ask dreading the response.
" No I think if we hadn't got there when we did he would have been".
I let out a sigh of relief.
I sit for what seems like days but only a few hours had passed, I feel a slight movement from Louis hand, I quickly get up leaning over him watching as his eyes being to flutter, once , twice then his blue eyes are looking directly at me, he instantly starts screaming.
" No don't , get off me, don't touch me" he screams  Piercing the room.
Liam comes running quickly making it to his side.
" Shhhh it's ok Louis you are safe, no one is hurting you" he keeps saying.
Louis screams keep going in true Terror.
" Liam help him , do something?" I yell over the screams feeling absolutely useless in this situation.
Liam quickly walks away coming back with something in a syringe and pushes it into his IV , there is a instant response as Louis body goes limp again.
" What just happened?" I ask .
" I think he thought he was still in the alley way, his mind is disorientated".
" Fuck that was scary, let's hope it doesn't happen again".
A few more hour  passed and I  have stayed  grounded, not leaving were I am sitting next to him.
My ears pick up as I hear a soft moan pass His lips.
" It's  ok Louis you are safe" I say brushing  his hair from across his face.
" Harry" I hear him say,  My heart skips a beat at this , knowing that he realises that it's me.
" Hey kid , it's ok, you are safe, no one is going to hurt you again".
His eyes Connect with mine as a single stray tear drops down on his cheek which I quickly wipe away with my thumb.
" Sore " He manages to get out as I see his face wince with pain.
Liam at that moment walks into the room.
" So he is wake?" he said as he walks closer to the bed.
" Hey  kid , how are you feeling?".
" Sore".
" Kid you will be for a awhile , I am giving you pain meds , I will top them up now , and you should feel a bit better" Liam said adding more medicine to his Drip.
I look down to see Louis eyes closed again as he drifts off.
" The  best thing for him right now is for him to sleep boss , His body needs to recover, sleeping is the best medicine" I nod my head in agreement.
" I need to get some work done, keep me posted" I say as I leave the room and head to my office which is a few doors down, I leave the door open so I can hear If  I am needed.
" Hey boss , how's the kid" Zayn asks looking up from his desk which is next to mine.
" He just woke but he is  in a lot of pain, he is asleep again now".
I rub my hands over my face feeling exhausted, I haven't even able to relax since Louis was brought in.
" You  look tired boss" Zayn said stating the obvious.
" I have never seen you like this before" His adds next.
" Zayn, I really don't understand what is happening, I have never felt Like this before, there is something which is pulling me towards Louis, All I want to do is to protect him".
" I know Boss , I have never seen you like this before either, you need to be careful, we don't know much about him, If I had a last name I could run a check on him" .
We both suddenly hear screaming coming from down the hall, we take off at a run going in to find Louis under the bed screaming , he has pulled out his IV and curled up into himself with Liam looking at me helpless.
" What happened?".
" I was checking him again and as I touch him and he went berserk, he has ripped out his IV which would be painful but truthfully I don't think he is even aware of anything" .
I quickly drop to the ground and move closer to Louis , who is now just crying uncontrollably.
" Louis, Lou , look at me , your safe , you are ok, no one is going to hurt you".I say trying to keep my voice calm.
He lifts his head a little peeking out from behind his hands.
" shhh baby , it's ok" I say as I inch myself a little closer nearly touching him.
" Harry" He said softly.
" Yes baby it's me, your safe".
In that next Instant Louis launches himself into my arm, wrapping himself around me sobbing into my chest.
I sit there for awhile just rocking him until the sobs subsided as he falls back into a peaceful sleep.
I gently stand up with Lou in my arms and lay him back on the bed.
"Your so good with him Harry" Liam said as he hooks him back up to the IV .
I lean over and place a gentle kiss onto his forehead, as I sit back down in the chair next to him.
" Zayn take over for a bit , I want to be in case Louis needs me".
" Sure  boss no worries".
I settled into the chair as night falls, I must have finally fallen asleep as I wake I feel slight movement in Lou's hand, I look up and find His eyes open.
" You  stayed with me?" His voice is quiet.
" I did" I stand up and lean over him rubbing my hand down the side of his face, he turns his face into my touch, as our eyes meet.
" How are you feel?".
" Ok a bit sore".
" Well  baby you have been through a rough time lately, when we found you , you were being held by two man while the other was".
" Don't  say it, don't say it" he puts his hands over his ears as tears slowly fall from his eyes.
I gently move onto the bed and sit at the side, I put my hands over Lou's and move them away.
" It's ok, they didn't rape you , it didn't happen ,we found you before he could do anything".
" I wasn't?".
" No baby you weren't".
He curls his body into mine putting all his weight on me , as I rub my hands gently up and down his back.
" Is this ok" I ask as I see his head nod, I pull him in a little closer.
I feel him slowly drifting to sleep again as I lay him back  down.
" Don't leave me" I hear him whisper.
" Shhh  your ok" I keep my hand resting on his chest as he lets out little whimpers, he doesn't realise that I have no intention of leaving him.
The rest of the night I sit by Lou's bed, as he has a peaceful sleep, as the sun slowly starts to rise , I see Lou slowly wake again, He turns his eyes to me.
" Hi" He whispers.
" Hi" I say back , I bring my hand up touching his.
" Thank you  for staying with me".
" That's ok baby, I would do it again if I had to"
" Why ?" He said looking at me with Curiosity.
" Honestly , I do not know , but you can feel it to can't you , it's like a invisible pull between us".
" Yes  I feel it to" he said as a blush creeps up his cheeks.
We are interrupted as Liam walks into the room.
" Good  morning Louis you look bright this morning, how do you feel?".
" Better  , still a bit sore".
" That's   to be expected, you have three broken ribs, and a punctured lung, as well as a huge amount of cuts and bruises all over your body, Louis when I was running test I found that you have had quite a number of broken bones over the years , care to explain?".
I watch on as Louis puts his head down breaking all eye contact with both of us , I see him fidgeting with his finger nervously.
" It's  ok , you are safe here Louis you can tell us anything" Liam saids.
I place my hand over his " you can trust us".
" They  are from my dad, we use to be such a loving family then my mum got sick, the sicker she got the more my dad would hit me, it got to the point were I just expected it to happen, sometime he would just go to far, but after my  mum died it got a lot worse, he would drink all the time and use me as his punching bag, sometimes he would take a bat to me".
" How did no one notice? , weren't you going to school?".
" No I dropped out and just use to hang out at the town  and stuff, a few weeks ago he just went crazy smashing everything around me , I had never seen him this bad so I grabbed a few things and went and lived on the street I didn't think  nothing could get worse, but maybe I was wrong".
I hear Louis sniffle , seeing the tears roll down his check.
" What's your last name Louis?".
" Tomlinson".
Liam and I both turn to each other sharing a look between us.
" What's  your dads name?" I ask next.
" It's Mark why?.
" It's  ok Love, just asking".
"How about we sit you up and I go and get some food for you , it's been a while since you have had a meal, you must be hungry".
" It's  ok I am use to not eating , my dad never really fed me , after mum died I would just have to just find stuff, or eat stale food".
" Well  that's going to change right now" I say.
" Niall" I yell out .
" Yes boss" Niall said as he comes into the room.
" Louis this is Niall, Niall here is our best cook, wait until you taste his cooking, Niall this is Louis , can you cook us up some breakfast please" I ask.
" Right on it boss, Hi Louis" He said waving at Louis who waves back shyly.
" Morning boss" I look up to see Zayn walking in the door.
" How's  the boy?".
" The  boy is better, Louis this is Zayn, but  you already kind of meet him".
" Hi Zayn" he saids with a shy smile.
" Everything alright last night?"I ask.
" Yes boss, a very quite night".
" Good to here".
" Harry" I hear Louis say.
" Yes love".
" Why does everyone call you boss?".
" Well  Louis because I am the boss".
" But what are you the boss of?".
" Well Louis I am the boss of everything?".
" Harry you can't possibly be the boss of everything" he saids with a little giggle.
"Oh baby if only you knew" I say placing a kiss on his forehead.

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