Divination 201: Tarot

Start from the beginning

Oracle decks vary widely and are mostly down to the artist's own impression and intentions. Some decks are quite similar to tarot, featuring some of the same cards, symbols, structure, etc. Other oracle decks are very different and no comparison can be made. There is no standardised system for oracle decks.

Oracle decks can be a joy to work with and they come in many, many different designs

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Oracle decks can be a joy to work with and they come in many, many different designs. The main difference is that oracle decks mostly focus on light & positivity, whereas tarot decks are more "realistic", giving you insight on both light and dark, and have a tendency to call you out on your flaws.

This means that some people are more comfortable working with oracle decks, as they often give you positive and hopeful messages. They can be more beneficial to those with traumatic pasts, anxiety, or self-esteem struggles.

Oracle decks may be more ideal for closet witches as you can find ones with Christian symbolism (angels, doves, peace, rainbows, heaven, etc) that are less likely to trigger family members upon discovery. Try searching for "angel" or "lightworker" oracle cards.

Some people work exclusively with tarot, others work exclusively with oracle, others work with both. Ultimately, it's up to you.

How to read tarot/oracle cards

Interpreting the cards' meanings is done by using a mixture of the reader's own intuition as well as the cards' traditional meanings (usually given to you in the guidebook provided with the deck). The cards' meanings can change depending on the context and the reader's own experiences and biases.

Here's how to perform a reading:
Step 1: Shuffle the deck. You can shuffle your cards for as long as you want in any way you want (although I would avoid rippling & bridging as this can damage the cards). While you shuffle the cards, keep your question in mind. Stop when you feel like it's time to stop.

Step 2: Draw the cards. There are several ways to do this...
> You can take the first cards off the top of the deck
> You can cut the deck into sections and draw cards from each section
> You can spread all your cards out before you, face down, and hover your hand over them until you pull out the desired amount of cards (this method allows your intuition, spirits, or deities to guide you).

> You can take the first cards off the top of the deck> You can cut the deck into sections and draw cards from each section> You can spread all your cards out before you, face down, and hover your hand over them until you pull out the desired amou...

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