Brighter Days and Lighters

Start from the beginning

After getting our gifts from the trunk, the four of us went around and grabbed our presents to my younger brothers and sisters. One by one we went inside while laughing at something Bea had said.

With Shawn's hand in my own hand, I stepped into my parents new home. They moved from the one that Demi had owned when she adopted me because they were quickly running out of room between 5 children that live with them and them wanting more. We each put our gifts onto the pile and went to head out back to the party but as I turned around I felt a small force run straight into my lower legs. I looked down and saw my baby brother Jaxon Baylor Jonas smiling up at me. With his arms reaching up to me, I knew the two year old wanted to be picked up.

"Katieeeee," He squealed as he gave me a sloppy kiss

"Jaxxxonnn," I mocked while giving him several sloppy kisses

Jaxon was wiggling in my arms, squealing. He soon noticed Shawn and immediately wanted to be held by him. Shawn took my brother from my arms and together the three of us walked out back. The second oldest child of my parents, my adopted brother Alex was standing next to our Uncles Kevin and Joe and our Aunts Dani, Blanda and Dallas. He smiled when he saw me. He walked towards me and I brought him into a hug.

Rocking us back and forth, I gave him a squeeze before pulling away. I took a look at him and his unruly black curls and his light blue eyes. His hair fell into his eyes and he had a lopsided smile on his face.

"I missed you Alex," I said

"I missed you to Katie," Alex replied leaning into me

"How's school going?"

"It's fine, same old same old. Hockey is where its at! We need one more point until we secure our playoff slot!"

"That's what I'm talking about! Congrats little brother! When is your next game? I want to be there!"

"This Friday night."

"I'll be there, I wouldn't miss it for the world baby brother"

Alex gave me a simple smile but had a twinkle in his eyes that made my heart swell. Alena walked over and started talking to Alex about something to do with school since they were enrolled at the same school and were in the same grade.

At that moment, our younger siblings ran up to me and demanded me attention. Storm and Nick started to pull my arms while Daniella and Aria continuously said my name. I gave Alex a smile and went to go play with the birthday boys and girls. 

Not long after I began to play with my younger siblings, my mom asked me to take Jaxon inside and put him down for a nap. I stood up and took Jaxon into my arms and went up to his room, I laid him into his tiny race car bed and sat on the chair watching him sleep. Thinking about my secret. 

Jaxon's nap only lasted 20 minutes and as soon as he woke up there was no stopping him until later tonight. I brought him back downstairs to the party and he soon tore off to play with Shawn and his two older brothers and older sisters. I soon heard Harry walk up from behind me.

"You know, you could be watching me interact with your siblings and be in love," Harry said

"Harold you still act like child yourself and it would have never worked between us. You're better as my brother then you were as my boyfriend," I said with a goofy grin on my face

"I know I was, I just like teasing you about it."

"I know you are, I still don't understand how you got me to say yes to dating you."

"You know, I still wonder that myself."

Silence fell between us and I leaned against Harry.

"Have you told him yet?"

Adopted By Demi LovatoWhere stories live. Discover now