Chapter 6

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The following day Malaysia went home after leaving Jaquavius's house. When she walked in she put her keys down.

As she did that, she realized that there was a pen on the table that she didn't have.

Malaysia slowly walk to her couch and grabbed her gun that was in a hole under the cushion.

"I'll give you five seconds to show yourself or this will not be pretty", said Malaysia as she slowly walked toward her room with her gun aimed.

"Calm yo little ass down", said Steven.

Malaysia turned the corner and walked into her room. Steven was sitting on the edge of the bed.

"You're going to get enough of breaking into my apartment and second of all what the fuck is your problem? A tracker? Really?", she asked.

Malaysia doesn't know that he could hear their conversations too.

"Really", said Steven. "But all that aside. We need to talk"

"We don't need to talk about shit Steven. Was I with someone last night, yes. Is that any of your business? No. We—"

"I don't give a shit about that, alright.", said Steven.

"So what you wanna talk about?", she asked.

"King is alive", said Steven.

Malaysia looked at him with a shocked face.

"...what?", asked Malaysia.

"Don't act like you didn't know. Malaysia you signed the papers", said Steven.

"I didn't..What? No.", said Malaysia.

Steven put the adoption papers on the bed.

"What the fuck do you call that?", he asked.

Malaysia picked the papers up and she read them.

"You always lying. I get it, I'm a dangerous ass nigga but that is still my son! I have every right to know about shit like this! You don't do shit like this without me!", he said.

Malaysia sat down as she covered her mouth.

Steven began to realize that she didn't know anything about it.

"How in the h— Steven I didn't do this", she said with her eyes full of tears. "I would never abandon my baby."

Steven sat back down.

"We have to find him. We- we have to get him back", said Malaysia.

"...I'm already on it lawyer said it'll be hard to reverse it. It's been two years", said Steven.

"Something has to be done because I didn't sign these papers", said Malaysia.

"...We're going to try but I don't if we can alright?", said Steven.

Malaysia started crying.

"I tried to look for him but I couldn't find him. I- I'm a bad mother", she said.

"No you aren't", said Steven. "That's one thing I can say about you. You are a great mom"

"My baby got adopted and I didn't even know", said Malaysia.

"It was my dad's fault", said Steven. "That shit was low"

Malaysia wiped her tears.

"I can't believe this shit. He's been alive this whole time", said Malaysia. "And I did nothing about it"

"Malaysia, I believe it too. I just...thing I had somebody look you up. Looking you up showed King's birth certificate and then they saw the adoption papers", said Steven.

Malaysia looked at Steven.

"...even if we can't get him back. We know that he's alive and we know that he's in a good place", said Steven.

"How do you know that these people are good people", said Malaysia.

"I looked them up to. They have a lot of money and do a lot of charity work. They do some other things too. No criminal records...they look like nice people", said Steven.

Malaysia looks away.

"But until we can see if we can get King back, we have so stay married. It'll benefit our case and I make more money than you", said Steven.

Malaysia began to wonder if he knew about her illegal job.

"Legally and illegally", said Steven.

Malaysia looked at Steven.

"Yea. I know about your little assassin job", said Steven. "But unfortunately we can't use that. We gotta use your waitress job and that's not going to be a good case to get King back if you're single"

"What are you using?", asked Malaysia.

"I own two clubs and one restaurant", said Steven. "Well my dad did before I killed him but I was his beneficiary for I should've asked him more. I should've made sure you and King were okay. Malaysia, this is really my fault. I never protected you and I didn't protect him... You made the right decision by living me"

Malaysia looked down.

"I'm sorry", said Steven.

"Somebody told me that...the past made made me", said Malaysia.

"Jaquavius said that?", asked Steven.

"Yes", said Malaysia as she continued to look away. He felt awkward.

"I think he's good for you", said Steven. "More understanding than I ever was"

"Well I didn't ask for opinion but thank you", said Malaysia. "But how do you know that he's understanding"

"What?", he asked.

"You said he's more understanding than you ever were. How do you know that?", asked Malaysia.

"Just seems like he is that's all", said Steven as he looked away.

"The only time that you saw me and him interact was the time he got mad with me so how would you—"

"Malaysia, it doesn't matter. Point is, he's a good guy alright. Someone you deserve", said Steven.

Malaysia stood up.

" aren't mad?", she asked.

"Didn't you tell me you didn't ask for my opinion? Now you asking?", he asked with a smile.

"I just...I don't know. I thought you'd act the same way you did with Mark or Terrell", she said.

"To be honest, Terrell wasn't as bad as I thought. I rather you date him than Mark. Mark was doing that shit out of spike. Terrell knew his boundaries and Terrell ain't lie in my face like some little bitch", said Steven. "Same thing with this dude so far...unless you want me to get crazy and kill him"

"No. Jaquavius is chill but don't be fooled. He's just as crazy", said Malaysia. "And he has a shot out of the world"

"I guess you do have a type", said Steven. "Chill yet viscous"

Malaysia shrugged her shoulders. "I guess", she said.

"...don't ignore your feelings or happiness for anybody else alright.", he said.

Steven reminded Malaysia's and Jaquavius's conversation from last night.

"You deserve the best. Whatever you feel like is best for you...go for it. I'm happy for you either way because you'll be happy", said Steven.

" of right now I just want our son", she said softly.

"We'll do our best", he said.


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