Chapter 1

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It's been two years since Malaysia and Steven had last saw each other and spoken. She always wandered about what he was up to every and then. She wandered how mad he'd be at her if he saw her. He also wandered if someone told him about King. Either way, he was on her mind every now and then.

Malaysia put some bullets in her gun as she sat on top of a roof.

Due to all of the anger she had, she decided to become an assassin. She didn't care who she killed or what the reason was for. That's how much she had changed. She had no love to give. No morals.

Malaysia aimed her gun at her target as she looked through the scope of the gun. Before she pulled the trigger she got a call from someone so she answered it.

"Make it quick", said Malaysia.

"I was thinking Chinese tonight or maybe Japanese. We could chill and watch a movie", said the guy on the other end of the phone.

"Jaquavius, that sounds like a date to me", said Malaysia.


Malaysia's target moved behind something

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Malaysia's target moved behind something.

"Come on now, Amber. I ain't just ya little sex toy. I know I'm good and all but I'm kinda more than that", said Jaquavius.

Malaysia changed her name to Amber so no one would try to find her, including her parents.

"You weren't saying that before when sex was all you wanted", said Malaysia. "But if you feel that way we can call it quits"

"Nah nah. I ain't say that now", said Jaquavius.

Malaysia's target was back in the open so she took the shot.

"You working?", he asked.

"Yea", said Malaysia as she put her gun in her back and went down the ladder. She was talking on her AirPods so wasn't holding her phone or anything.

"That's all you do is work", he said. "You out here getting more jobs than me."

"Gotta have money. It is expensive out here", said Malaysia.

"Where you from again?", he asked.

"I mean like if you don't know by now then that's not any of your business", said Malaysia.

"You so damn mean. But I like it", he said.

Malaysia giggled to herself as she started walking to the car.

"We can eat only because you mentioned Japanese food but we will not be getting personal. I don't want a relationship", said Malaysia.

"Alright, fine", said Jaquavius.

"Bye", said Malaysia before double tapping her airpod.

Jaquavius is the guy that put her on the assassin jobs. He's an assassin too. She has known him for 1 year and a half now but it wasn't until 5 months ago that they've been having sex.

Malaysia got into the car and drove off.


Malaysia walked into her apartment as she looked at each envelope she had in her mailbox. She realized she didn't have anything important so she tossed it on the table.

She put her things on the floor and laid down on the couch as she turned the tv on. The first things was a scene of a mom singing to her baby so she turned it. The second channel was a dad walking with their child from school. The third channel had a scene of a couple getting married.

She decided to just turn the TV off.

"Nothing on there ever interests me anyway", she said to herself.

She pulled her phone out and started to play a game.

Later that evening, Malaysia is at Jaquavius's house. They are currently eating their food and talking. They are sitting on the pillows on the floor.

"Girl you gotta open to me or somebody at least one day.", said Jaquavius. "Like damn I can't even find out the most basic stuff about you. Why you gotta be so guarded?"

"I just am", said Malaysia.

"Why?", he asked.

"I've just had a lot of things happen to me that's all. I don't wanna repeat it", said Malaysia. "I just feel like if I'm alone and I don't get too close to people then nothing bad can happen to them or me"

"Right...I understand that. I guess", said Jaquavius.

"Why you gotta add the I guess?", she asked.

"Because I'm trying to show you that I understand your feelings but at the same time you're over thinking it", he said.

"Yea..I guess", said Malaysia. "I still don't wanna date."

"You can't hurt me alright?", he said.

"...yea but you can hurt me. Look I just need to find myself before I loose myself in another guy", said Malaysia.

"So what you saying? You ain't always used to be like this?", he asked.

"No. I was far from this. I never even wanted to kill a bug let alone a person...I've became heartless", said Malaysia.

"Maybe you just need the right person to build that heart back up piece by piece. Yea, it may have some cracks in it here and there. But thats what makes us human.", he said.

Malaysia nods as she looks at him.

"I really like you Amber. I know I don't know much about you but...that's even better because it makes you a mystery. When I unlock the mystery then maybe I'd like you even more", said Jaquavius.

Malaysia looks down as she smiled a little.

Jaquavius lifts her chin up and starts kissing her. Malaysia continues kissing him back.

Jaquavius began to lift her shirt up before she stopped him and pulled away.

"I'm still eating and I'm really hungry so like...yea", said Malaysia jokingly.

Jaquavius sucked his teeth. He didn't have an attitude or anything. He was smiling.

Malaysia picked her plate up and continued eating.


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