Chapter 12

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I walk into my first class right before the bell rings. Everyone looks up at me as I walk to the back of the classroom to my usual seat. 

A few people file in after the bell as usual but what catches my attention is the person that walks in last. 

It's her. 

I didn't know I had a class with her. I watch her as she takes a seat a few chairs in front of me. 

Somethings off. 

She's acting weird. 

She has her hood up and she is hiding her face with her hand. I wonder what's wrong. After first period is over everyone leaves the classroom but I make my way over to Charlie who is still seated. 

"Hey are you okay?" I ask standing next to her desk. She looks up from her desk and her eyes meet mine. Her eyes are so beautiful but right now they hold an emotion I can't quite figure out.

"Yeah I'm okay. Just tired." she gives me small smile. I didn't want to push it but I couldn't help but look at her face. She had covered it with concealer almost like trying to hide something. 

"Okay well if you want someone to talk to or if you need anything, here is my number," I say and pass her a sticky note with my phone number on it. She takes the sticky note from my hand and looks at it. "Thanks" she says giving me a grateful smile. I smile back and then leave the classroom. 

As I walk out my mind wanders back to the look her eyes held. Something is wrong. She looked so defeated but you could tell she was trying to act normal. I'm pretty sure she and Lucille Bare are close friends so maybe she knows what's going on. 

I guess I'll just have to ask her after school. 


The bell rang signaling that the school day is finally over. I rush out of my seat and out of the classroom. I need to go talk to Lucille. 

What is this girl doing to me?? I haven't even known her for a week and she's been in my head all day. I walk towards the lockers and I see Lucille standing outside of one. I walk up to her. "Hi Lucille." she whips around and stares at me. 

"W-what what are you doing here?" She looks at me questioningly. "I just want to ask you something about Charlotte." 

Once I say this she visibly tenses up and her attitude changes. "Why do you want to know about her? She hasn't done anything to you so you should just mind your own business." I look at her in shock. "I'm not here to start anything, I just need to ask you something." she sighs. 

"What," she asks looking up at me. She must have seen the genuine desperation and concern in my eyes because she immediately uncrossed he arms and took a deep breath. 

"She was just acting a little weird today and she was wearing a lot of concealer on her face and she kept her hood up. Is everything okay?" She looks around her before she answers. 

"She has some family issues right now. It's not really my place to tell you, but between you and me, I don't think it's going to end very well." That was all I needed to hear. I knew something was wrong. "Okay, thanks, Lucille. I hope things get better." She nods and we both say goodbye. 

I rush out of the school parking lot towards my car. I look around to see if I can spot her, but she isn't there. I hop into my car and drive out of the parking lot. I stop at the end to make sure no one was coming before I pull onto the main road, but that's when I see her. 

She is walking alone down the sidewalk with her hood still up. I pull up beside her and roll down my window. "Hey do you need a ride?" I ask. She looks up at me surprised. "No that's okay I'll just walk home, it's out of the way for you," she says softly. 

"It's fine I have nowhere to be anyway." I can tell that she is contemplating it. "Okay sure thank you." she smiles softly. 

I put the car in park and walk over to the passenger side door and open it for her. Once she gets in I go back over to the driver's side and get in. "Okay, your going to have to direct me to your house because I dont exactly know where you live." I say and look over at her. She nods and we start to drive. 

10 minutes later we pull up to a decently sized modern home. I put the car back in park and look over to her. 

She looks nervous about something. "Hey are you okay?" she looks up at me and her gaze meets my eyes. Her gorgeous blue eyes are now faded, looking almost gray and they hold so many emotions, nervousness, anxiety, etc. 

"Yeah I'm okay," she tries to give me a small smile. "Thanks for the ride." She steps out of the car and takes a deep breath. I watch her walk up to her driveway, to her front door, and go inside her house. 

I pull away and start to head home and all I can think about is the feeling that has risen inside my gut. I don't know what's going on but I am sure about one thing, 

I'm falling for Charlotte Calloway and I'm going to do everything in my power to protect her.


Longer chapter and in Nate's POV!

What do your think this feeling is?

Next chapter is a lot shorter but it's very intense (just a FYI)

Don't forget to vote! :)

Life of Charlotte CallowayTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon