Chapter 6

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It's around 11:30 pm and my fight is at midnight. I honestly don't even know why I agreed to fight tonight. The only reason I am is because people are paying a lot of money. I wonder why.

Oh crap, I forgot to tell my parents I am working tonight. I rush over to my phone and text them that I'm working late at Marta's. Hopefully they see it. 

Michael walks into the gym and over to where I am doing pullups. "You ready to go?" I let go of the bar and turn around to face him. 

"Yeah, do you know who I'm fighting tonight?" "I think their name was Blood Cross." Blood Cross? Pshsh what kind of name is that. I can't help but to silently laugh.

 "Alright well I'll leave you to it, good luck out there." he walks back out the door and I decide that I have warmed up enough. 

I quickly wrap my hands and get ready for the match. I look over my outfit to make everything is good. I have on my black leggings with my black crop top on, and I throw my black oversized hoodie over it. 

I already have my black combat boots on, and my hair is in another high ponytail revealing the snake tattoo behind my ear. I have 5 minutes before the match starts so I throw on my black mask and walk out of the practice gym. 

I stand on the side of the ring next to Michael as they introduce my opponent. "Ladies and Gentlemen our next fight should be interesting. Starting in the first corner is one of our newest fighters Blood Cross!" the announce shouts into the microphone. 

The crowd cheers as he walks into the ring. 

"And in the second corner, the one, and only Black Serpent!!" The crowd erupts in cheers as I enter the ring. The announcer continues to go over the rules and as usual, I examine my opponent to see if they have any weak spots. 

Just by the way this guy is standing I can tell that he isn't very experienced. His build is pretty skinny for a fighter and he isn't super muscular. This is going to be so easy. 

Why am I even fighting this kid? He doesn't look like he could be more than 16. Oh well, I guess. 

The bell rings and he immediately starts throwing punches at me, well tries to I guess. We don't even rotate or anything. He obviously isn't very experienced so I'm only going to punch if I need to. 

His form is terrible and his punches aren't controlled. Why am I even fighting this kid?? At this point, I'm just dodging the mess of arms flying towards me and I'm growing impatient. 

I haven't even moved from my spot in my corner. Who's idea was it for me to fight him?? I'm one of the best and they're having me fight this kid!?  Okay, you need to calm down Charlie. Just relax, you're getting paid for this. 

This has to be a joke. I look over at Micheal and  I can tell he is thinking the exact same thing as me. He makes eye contact with me and nods his head barely.

Alright, fuck this. 

I let the Serpent take over, time to get this show on the road. The familiar shiver runs over my body and I stare at the figure in front of me. My fist clench and within a second he is knocked on the floor. 

I zone out everything, the only thing that matters is my target. I punch him again in the stomach, and he tries to back away from me, but before he can, I right hand him and he falls unconscious. The bell rings signaling that I won and I feel the adrenaline fade from me. 

I step out of the ring and walk towards Michael's office. When I walk in I'm surprised to see 2 other people already in here, seated in front of his desk. I don't even look at them as I walk up to Michael's desk. 

"Good job out there," he says as he leans back in his armchair.

I look at him and signal that we need to talk in private. "Gentlemen I will be right back." We walk into the training gym and I take off my mask. "Can I ask you something? Why the hell did I get put to fight that kid!?" I ask facing Michael. 

"I told you, someone paid a lot of money to see you fight, and that's who they picked. If I would have known he was that bad, I wouldn't have even had you come in." I sigh. "Why would they want to see me fight? I mean I know I'm a skilled fighter but why would they want to watch me fight him?" 

He sighs and glances towards the door to his office. "I don't know why but one of them is a former opponent of yours." Hmm that's interesting. "Ok let's go." I put my mask back on and follow Michael back into his office.


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