Chapter 2

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I wake up to the sound of my alarm ringing. 6:00 am. I sigh sitting up, ignoring the pain in my abdomen. 

I walk to my closet and throw on my outfit for school. Walking into my bathroom and look at myself in the mirror, I sigh and grab my concealer to cover up the bruises and the long cut. 

They aren't as bad as some of the other ones I have gotten but they definitely need to be covered. For school, I'm wearing an oversized hoodie and skinny jeans. 

I walk out of my room and make sure my parents aren't near before I bolt down the stairs and out the front door. I really hope the school day goes by smoothly I dont want to deal with people today. 

By the time I reach school, Lucy's car is already there. I walk up the courtyard heading for the front doors of the school and roll my eyes as I see people whispering and avoiding the main entrance. Standing in front of the entrance is a group of guys, more specifically Nate Corrington.

He is the biggest bad boy at this school, or in fact anywhere around here. Some people say that he killed someone. Others say that he put someone in the hospital for standing in front of his locker. What I say is that I could give an F about him. 

I try to ignore all of the high school drama, my only priority is to get to class on time. I roll my eyes as I approach the school building. There is no way that I am finding another entrance just because of a couple of guys standing there. My body aches too much. 

I near the entrance and I can feel the stares of people walking by. I reach my hand towards the door to push it open when I feel a hand grab my backpack and yank me around. 

There they stand, the whole group of 'bad boys.' "What do you think you're doing?" The one holding my bag says. I don't flinch and I keep my face emotionless. After living in my household for this many years, you learn to not show emotion unless you are by yourself. 

"I'm just trying to get to my class." I dont want to start anything with these people I just want to get to class. "Well I don't know where you came from but we are kinds of important around here, and you walking right in between us like you own the place will not happen again will it?"

He threatened. I shake my head. "Okay then" he lets go of my bag and I walk into the school building, straight to my first period. 

By the time lunch comes around Lucy runs up to me. "Are you okay Char? You didn't answer any of my calls yesterday. "

I nod. "Yeah sorry Luc I fell asleep last night." 

"It's fine I just wanted to make sure you were ok, you wanna come over after school?" I look up from my food." I really wish I could but I can't, I have to work after school." 

To everyone else, I work at Marta's bakery downtown, but that doesn't make nearly enough money as my actual job. 

During the day I'm Charlotte Calloway, but after the sun sets, I'm known as the Black Serpent. My boss Michael, texted me this morning and told me that he has a fight for me, and apparently it's a big one. 

After lunch ended, the day continued and everyone went to their last classes. 


The bell finally rang signaling that the school day was over and I rushed to my locker to meet Lucy. She always drives me to Marta's. "Hey you ready to go!" she greeted me cheerfully. 

"Yep let's go," I say setting my books in my locker. The drive there resulted in Lucy and I dancing and screaming at the top of our lungs along to the radio. 

When we pulled up to Marta's, I waved goodbye to Lucy and walked inside of the bakery. Marta is like a mom to me, she knows about my parents and she has always been there for me. I walk into the back room and greet her before heading to the bathroom to change. 

I throw on my black combat boots, a pair of black leggings, a long sleeve black crop top with my black oversized hoodie over it. 

I then pull my hair up into a high ponytail revealing the snake tattoo I have behind my ear and throw on some mascara and eyeliner and grab my black mask and throw it into my duffel bag with the rest of my things. 

When I go to work Marta covers for me, just in case anyone comes in looking for me. She usually tells them I'm on break or something. My work is only a block away from Marta's so I walk there. 

I grab my duffle bag and make my way out of the back exit. 

I walk down the street keeping my head down and eventually the building comes into view. I grab my mask out of my bag and throw it on as I walk up to the back door. I knock and a huge bouncer opens the door. 

"What do you want?" "Excuse me??" I say challengingly. The man looks up from his clipboard. "O-Oh I'm so sorry right this way Black Serpent." I stride past him with my head up, exerting confidence. I walk through the club and make my way to Michael's office. 

I open the door and walk straight in. "What's up Micheal," He looks up from his phone and I take my mask off as soon as the door closes behind me. "Oh hey Char nice to see ya." "So you have a fight for me tonight?" I ask.

 "Yeah there are a couple actually, but the last one a lot of people are betting on." I nod. "Okay what time does the first one start?" I look at my phone and see that it is 5 pm. "

The first one starts at 8 so you can go train and warm up until then. You know what to do." I nod and walk to the other side of his office, opening the door that connects to the big private gym. 

I walk in and set my stuff by the wall and take off my sweatshirt, leaving me in my tight black crop top and leggings. I decide to stretch out a little bit before I get started. 

A little later I walk over to a punching bag and start punching it with everything I have. I only stop when the punching bag tears open and falls on the floor. 

I think that is enough practice for right now. I walk back into Michael's office and through my sweatshirt back on. "You ready to go?" he asks. I nod and start taping up my hands.


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