"Lyra!" Jace yelled, trying to reach out to her, but the vehicle swerved, and he couldn't grasp her. 

Lyra held onto whoever grabbed her for dear life. Her eyes wide and fearful as she was balancing on the car. She looked up at the man who was holding onto her tight, and her breath caught in her throat. 

Kai's expression was hardened over with anger, but not towards her. "Lyra Sommercrest?" He asked menacingly. 

Lyra gulped, nodding fearfully. 

Kai clenched his jaw tightly. His eyes flickering with some kind of...hatred, or something close to it, that he was trying to hide. "We need to talk," He demanded. 

Lyra opened her mouth to refute. But, how could she do anything other than scream, when he suddenly turned her around and pushed her off of the roof. 

Her arms shot out out of reflex, and before she could fall face first into hard pavement and traffic, Jaehwa's hand shot out and gripped her forearm. 

Lyra kicked off of the passenger door she had been dragged out of. And with her momentum of the man holding her, her legs swung around until her butt hit the cushion of the bike right before Jaehwa. Her arms automatically twirling around his torso. 

Her eyes filled with fear as Jaehwa glanced back at her. "Hang on tight," He ordered her. 

Lyra nodded, squeezing for dear life. 

"Lyra!" Jace yelled, horrified that she had been taken so fast. 

"Leave her alone!" Isabelle banged on the window. 

Kai jumped off of the car, landing behind Lucas. "Let's go!" He yelled in Korean to the others. 

The Darkblood brothers revved their engines, darting off and weaving through the traffic faster than the car could keep up with. 

Jaehwa turned his head to meet Jace's eyes, smirking while lifting the front wheel of the bike off the ground. 

Jace growled under his breath. "Lyra!" He yelled. 

"Jace-!" Lyra's scream fell distant as Jaehwa sped away down the street. 

song//: this is the hunt -ruelle

Thirty minutes later, Lyra found herself on the second level of an empty parking garage. She was still shaken from being pushed off of a moving car, but the adrenaline was slowly dying. Replaced with the feeling of uselessness. 

Henry's brothers hadn't said a word of English since capturing her, speaking strictly korean as a means to keep her out of the loop. She didn't dare intervene either, because they were as terrifying as Shang was. Maybe more handsome, sure, but still terrifying nonetheless. 

It only scared her more that Henry was not with them. Just a few weeks ago, she'd seen them on the CCTV footage together blowing up the Seoul Institute. So, where was he? 

Lucas and Johnny stayed leaning on their bikes, sharing a bag of chips amongst each other. 

Sam sat on the floor with a leg propped up. His eyes down as he tapped his fingers on his other leg as if he were playing an imaginary piano. 

Bae was the only one actively pacing in front of her, watching her every move as if she would try to strike at them. Meanwhile, Kai stood beside him with her phone in hand, scrolling through whatever it was that he was looking for on her device. 

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