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According to very concerned community aunties, Shasmeen's expiration date is close. Her subscription of left swipes (read: saying no) is coming to an end, her youth is fading (at twenty-six?), and she must start compromising (just live with in-laws, will you?). The pressure is mounting from her own family, when cousins younger than her are entering the marriage market and demand their share of special attention. In her friends' circle, she's tired of being the designated babysitter and rich (not really) spinster aunt. And then there's the long held, suppressed dream of being loved that starts thawing her heart to finally giving in and saying yes to the next proposal in the long line of CVs. After all, marriage isn't all that bad, is it? But what she doesn't expect is Mubashir being the next best option.

Mubashir? Mubashir, the chic magnet who becomes a turn off as soon as he opens his mouth? Mubashir, the self obsessed younger brother of the bhabi she adores? Mubashir, the guy who has rejected her once already?

Most certainly not.

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