Breeze [day 1]🌹🥀

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Today had already felt amazing for Scott. Things were going the way he wanted it to go. Sitting in a field of colorful and colorless flowers. Peace and quiet finally has been gifted to Scott. However, Scott felt like he was missing something. No. Someone

It felt strange to him in a way. Being alone. Nothing but your own thoughts. It was like he was aware of everything around him yet he didn't at the same time. If that made any sense of course. 

He sat alone. He needed a break. Things have been stressful for absolutely no reason. Maybe it was his remaining uncontrollable ice magic or perhaps he was simply tired of everyone. Well... Nearly everyone. He still wanted- Needed- one person. Only one person that was dear to him. 


Only him. That's all the elf needed right now. But he was gone. He left years ago and never came back. It's been many god years now. Scott has yet to hear from his past lover. I mean Jimmy was still his lover but that was in the past right? He hadn't seen him in years so how would he know? Scott hoped that Jimmy was still the goofy, dumb, yet charming cheery man he had once fallen in love with. Make that twice if you count 3rd life and empires together. 

Scott hadn't spoken to the others after the ending of empires. Part of him wanted to but the other was telling him not to. He felt like he hadn't really saved them. Maybe he did. Scott wouldn't have known because he was in the after life for god knows how long. His own little limbo that he now wished he could've stayed in. 

Scott was now a fallen star god. He was still a god but a weaker kind. The cyanette missed being able to fly but maybe that was for the better. His wings had been ripped from him only for him to be a god. Trading his life to be someone else yet still the same through memories and personality.

He originally enjoyed being a god but now he realized it wasn't as good as he had hoped. That was mainly because he was weaker now. Interacting with mere mortals when he wasn't supposed to. He still had the respect and reputation of being a deity but of course he wasn't the strongest he could've been. He could still access things he used to. Now however, he has a limit and he should never get too cocky in any situation. 

The noise of flowers and grass being stepped on snapped the now starborne elf back to reality. He didn't want to look behind him. Whoever it was should have known to leave him alone. The crunching stopped. He was ready to hear one of his friend's voice but nothing came. He waited silently until he heard a familiar voice whisper, "I miss you." The words echo through the star's mind. The voice was.. 


He didn't get a response. The wind, now getting colder and blowing air in every direction they could. The cyanette mustered up the courage to look behind him but nothing was there except for the cool breeze. There was definitely something there but it was gone now. All that was left was a flower crown made of poppies and dandelions and an empty patch where presumably Jimmy laid. 

         In the end, the bitter breeze had swept his lover away. 

Word count: 575

A/N: This is very late but I wanted to get every chapter done first before posting it all at once. 

Emojis will mean a certain ship btw so 

Jizzie (Joel x Lizzie)=
Flower Husbands (Scott x Jimmy)=🌹
Venus flytrap husbands (Sausage x Scott x Jimmy)=
Nature wives (Katherine x Shubble)=
Assassin Husbands (Scott x Sausage)=


Btw some of these were not written in order (but will be in order by the day) so some A/N's and story line will not make sense 95% of the time lol

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