Everyone clapped for him as he announced he was going to 'drink this coffee', and right then I regret even letting myself hear of this host club. Tamaki, the girls, and Savannah walked over to another table to prepare multiple cups to try this...'new discovery of coffee' or whatever they thought it was. I walked the other way, but my hear caught a bit of someone speaking and didn't let go. "Oh, Tamaki, now you're taking the joke too far. Your palate won't be able to stomach that crap, you don't have to drink it just because he bought it," She said. It was one of the girls that sat next to Tamaki. Looking at her, she gave me a feeling of just mega bitch alert. I might have to watch out for her. The cups of coffee was ready to taste, some of the girls took their pick and struggled to even put their lips on it. Tamaki did his usual smooth talking, dipping the girl as an add on, and the crowd went wild. They squealed so loud, and Savannah was close to passing out from how much was happening. I bet she wish that her right now~

      I felt a headache coming on, I had to get away from them for a while. A few steps later, and I was staring at another table being managed by a set of twins. "So he had this nightmare that made him bolt up, right out of bed." "Hikaru! Don't tell them that story! I asked you not to tell anyone that." What...what is happening? One of the boy's eyes starts filling with tears slightly, turning away to let the light making his single tear twinkle ever so slightly. The other one apologized and gently lifted his chin, bringing him close to his face. "I didn't mean to upset you, but you were so adorable when it happened, I had to tell them," He soon whispered out. No. HELL NO! I put up with a lot of things, but incest ain't one of them believe me. Seeing that, I turned on my heels and went to go find Savannah. Once I found her, I grabbed her arm and started dragging her towards the exit, "We're leaving." "What?! Why?!" "You really wanna stay and witness incest? I think the fuck not, we're out of here." She stopped me, holding her arms out in front of the doors. She sighed, "I get your point, I honestly do. But I have this as a rebuttal..." Taking my wrist, she swung me around and I instantly saw him. Blinking a few times and realizing I was staring a bit too hard, I chuckled lowly, "You know, we can just avoid them. Why leave so early?"

      Retracing out steps, a taller guy with black hair and brown skin walked in with a pale boy and blonde hair on his shoulder. The motherfucker looked like he was in preschool, why is he here?! He yawned, "Sorry, we're running late." Apparently, their names were Honey and Mori, or at least that was their nicknames. I glanced over at Savannah and just saw her staring at them. She looked at me, "He is now my child. I'm now raising him, I don't care." "Sav, you can't just adopt people!" "Does it look like I care?" He sat down with the ladies and it took no time for them to relish in his 'cute expressions.' The guy from earlier walked up to stand beside us, asking, "Is that boy really a third year student?" "That's what I'm saying," Me and Savannah answered at the same time. I took this time to finally talk with the guy myself, so I held my hand out to him, "My name is Rose by the way, and that's Savannah. Nice to meet you." "Thanks. Haruhi Fujioka. At least I'm not the only one who doesn't see the appeal in this kind of thing." I shrugged and started to think over what just happened. The voice, the handshake, the eyes....this was a chick. I looked over to see if Savannah got the hint, and indeed she did. We didn't say anything about just incase something might happen to us if we say.

      Looking back at Haruhi, I saw Honey jump onto her arm and swing her around with a big smile. He asked her if she wanted some cake with her, and she politely declined while Savannah accepted with a hug for him as well. He then offered her to hold his bunny named Usa-chan, and that was the moment he realized it as well. He handed over the bunny and ran off, "Take good care of him, okay?" Savannah was about to walk back with him, but for smirked to herself and turned to me. "Go for it, bitch," She said quickly before pushing me into someone. As I went to apologize I saw that it was the glasses guy from earlier. My heart went straight to my ass when I saw him, going to glare at her big smile she flashed right back at me.

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