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It's late at night, Hinata and Kageyama are walking down the dark road after volleyball practice, which had overrun by a couple hours. The road is illuminated by a few street lamps that are evenly spaced on the pavement.

"I can't wait for the practice match with Nekoma tomorrow!" Hinata said excitedly while pushing his bike beside him.

Kageyama nodded in agreement, "Yeah, there's no way we can lose with our improved quick attack."

"Mhm, and I'll be able to see Kenma Again!" Hinata exclaims happily with a skip in his step.

They come to a crossroad. Hinata hops onto his bike and waves back at Kageyama. "See you tomorrow!" he shouts behind him as he starts cycling.

Kageyama waves back and says, "Bye!"

He then walks in the opposite direction to his house, which is close by.

When they both get back to their houses, they eat dinner and get ready for bed. As they fall asleep, they both think about the practice match against Nekoma.

Hinata's Pov:

Hinata shuffles over while lying down. Why is my bed so hard? Maybe I fell off my bed onto the floor in my sleep. He shivers. Did I leave the window open or something, why is it this cold? No, I swear I closed it last night. He opens his eyes and squints because of the bright light. Slowly he sits up.

"Huh! Where am I?" He looks around frantically. This isn't my room! What the heck happened! He is sitting in a clearing in the middle of a woodland forest. A cool breeze drifts by and he can hear the distant chirping of birds on faraway trees. The ginger gets up and looks at his surroundings. His eyes widened, "Kageyama?!"

Said one is lying on the floor a few metres away. Kageyama gradually pushes himself up from the forest floor. When he gets a grip of his surroundings and looks around, there is obvious panic in his eyes. "Hinata? Where the hell are we?" he asked loudly.

"I don't know. I thought you would know!" Hinata responds.

"Huh? Why would I know dumbass? This is probably your fault!" Kageyama shouted back at him. And just like that they were at each other's throats.

"Will you please quiet down! People could probably hear you from miles away."

The fighting duo turn to look at the new person. Kageyama was lifting Hinata up by his shirt. Standing a few feet away from them were Sugawara and Nishinoya. Sugawara looked unimpressed and Nishinoya just looked happy for some reason.

"Noya!" "Shoyo!" "Noya!" "Shoyo!" Hinata and Nishinoya shouted at one another while running towards each other before doing a high five with both hands.

"Ok, that's enough." Suga told them, "Do any of you know how we got here?"

They all shook their heads. He sighs. "Well, while we're stuck here, you guys should listen to me."

I mean, he is the most responsible so I guess that's fine. Hinata thought to himself.

Sugawara looks at the three other boys as they all nod at him.

"Good. I think the best option is to look around and maybe we will find out where we are at least." He starts walking in a random direction and the rest follow like ducklings following their mother.

The normal ones (or not)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon