16- Confessions :)

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I'd like to shout out @minniieee3 for helping me make this chapter. Thank you so much!!

Octavio gets done setting up brownie's enclosure with you, making it perfectly cozy and non-cage like. Not wanting to be finished with the night, he decides to extend the night a little further by taking you out for another surprise.

"Come on Chica, one more thing to do." He says, putting Brownie back in his enclosure, making sure his water and everything is intact. Taking your hand, he leads you back to his bike, quickly revving up and making the relatively short-ish drive to the new spot.

Your arms go to wrap around his waist, he was quick to speed off onto the freeway, the same adrenaline running through you as the first time. You smiled, your cheek against his back as you thought about the ways the night could go.

As you slow to a stop, you recognize the small clearing that led you two to the watering hole, you smile a bit thinking back on the experience. You both find a soft spot on the grass to sit and relax. The two of you talk for a bit, trying to find more things each of you like, and in common. He goes into detail about how taking care of a bunny is, comparing it to dogs and cats.

"They love a big open space to run around, I'd say they're just like a cat sized dog." You smile at the comparison.

You guys meaninglessly mess around, trying to find small ways to entertain yourself on the cool night. At one point you find yourself running away laughing, trying to dodge his attempts to catch you. Eventually (more like instantly,) he catches up, swooping you into his arms. The interaction reminds you of that deal you made with him here, about owing him. "Hey, don't I owe you a drink?" You manage to say, still trying to catch your breath.

He chuckles, "Not tonight hermosa, even I need a break." You roll your eyes.

"Well I know that!" you say matter 'of factly He looks away, thinking for a moment.

"How about tomorrow night, you pay up your debt on that drink." He says, looking back at you. You plop back onto the ground, agreeing to his offer.

He goes silent for a second and shuffles a bit awkwardly.

"I saw you staring at me earlier, chica." You look at him, confused. "Back at the carnival," he seems awkward as he brings it up but regains his confidence," on the Ferris wheel, you were staring. Hardcore." He states, a small blush rises on his cheeks.

"Oh, no, I- I, um-" You start attempting to explain, only for him to cut you off.

"Relax, I'm not upset." As the red began forming on your face you thought to yourself you were really glad that it was dark. "You know, I've never seen someone look at me that way. With such... such," he pauses to try and find the word he was looking for. "Admirance." He finished, looking away, if you weren't looking so intensely towards him you probably wouldn't've noticed how flustered he was from admitting that out loud.

You looked down as well, "sorry." you mumbled quietly, unsure on how to respond. He lets a small smile break his face.

"No, don't be. It felt great." He looks at you, and you look back to meet his eyes. "I love the rush I get when I look at you Chica, the adrenaline I can never find on a stunt, for some reason I get it with you." He trails off a bit. "I've said it before, and I'll say it again. Because I've never felt that way before.

"I know I've already told you, but I'd just like to say again, you make my heart race hermosa, you're like an entire new adrenaline rush I've never experienced." you couldn't help the smile.

"God that was cheesy," you said looking to the side, giggling. Everything else got so suddenly quiet as you realized you could only hear him and your heartbeat. The cars on the distant highway, the critters running through the forest, even the breeze blowing against your ears was quiet. All you could hear was him and how he made you feel.

"You liked it, don't lie." he giggled with you. You shook your head. He went quiet again before taking a few steps towards you.

"Still, I just really want you to understand, I really, really like you, and I'm not the best at reading other people, but I would go as far to say that you like me too." he waits for your response. his mind buzzing with how he felt about you, about how he was taking this initiative, how you might react.

"I will admit, you've got me smitten," you chuckled to yourself, looking up you see his eyebrow raised. A smile danced on his lips.

"Smitten?" There's a playful tone in his voice.

"Yes, smitten, with you and your boyish charms." He laughs at your words, his smile dangerously contagious as you find yourself laughing with him.

"I get that we've only really been talking for a week, but I just wanted to know what you think about you and me?" his words were so out of character you were questioning if he was feeling alright, but didn't say anything.

"I think we're really close friends." He pursed his lips.

"Friends who make out with each other?" he questioned. You blushed as the memories of the other night suddenly flooded your mind.

"Yea. . . well, maybe we're in a gray area." You fiddled with your hand, not sure how to keep yourself occupied.

"Well, I don't know what we are, so I was going to ask you if you wanted us to be like, a thing i guess." he was quiet, a little more thoughtful with his words.

"A thing?" you chuckled. He nodded. You smiled as you thought about what might've been going on in his mind.

In all honesty the only thing that he could think about was being with you though.

"Fuck, Octavio, I would love to be in a relationship with you," that's what you wanted to say. desperately, you wanted him to understand that you've fallen for him so hard in the past week.

"Well, in all honesty, yea I would like to be in a relationship with you, but I'm not exactly sure since this is all happening so fast." Is what you ended up saying. He nodded. You took a breath in, not thinking about what you were about to say in all honesty.

"But, I do really like you, and I'm willing to take a shot." The smile on his face spread from ear to ear. He jumped up too fast, bringing you up with him, suddenly wrapped up in his arms.

You looked up to him, your eyes wide as he kissed you, the kisses passionate as he pulled back and went in for another time after time.

You couldn't help the smile on your face as you wrapped your arms around him, your hand spread on the back of his head, holding his lips against yours and kissing him back with the same amount of passion he showed you. 

Rushed - Bartender AUWhere stories live. Discover now