10- The Forest:)

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*Warning* Naked Bodies

Your shift was coming to an end, that was when he normally showed up. You were so anxious for his arrival, and it was showing to Makoa.

It was Thursday night; you were so excited to go riding with him again you were jumping out of your shoes when it turned 6. Quickly running back to your room to get dressed you found him already in the room.

You closed the door behind you, staring confused towards him, glancing back to the door and wondering how he slipped past you. He chuckled sipping on his water already in his gear.

"Ay hermosa, miss me?" You wished to wipe his cunning grin off his charming face but couldn't help melting at the sight of it. His outfit was a bit different this time, similar to the last one but with gold accents instead of blue.

"Nah, I was just excited to ride tonight." He rolled his eyes setting down his cup and pushing off the counter.

"Sweeeet, once you get your license maybe we could be riding buddies Ey?" He sounded so genuinely happy it made your heart do a flip and you smiled before remembering.

"I gotta go get dressed hold on."

As he promised, the bike was fit for you to ride it. It took twenty minutes to get used to him not being on the back. Having to balance the bike completely on your own when it was to big for you was difficult to say the least.

He took the lead, almost loosing you a few times you were definitely a little scared follow him. Although your bike wasn't necessarily meant for speed it managed to keep up with him.

At one point he had to slow down and swerve out of the way when a car pulled out in front of him, allowing you to speed past him. You saw in your mirrors he was quickly gaining speed on you.

The two of you raced down the freeway, even though you knew for a fact his bike could go much faster than yours. You didn't like to admit it, but the adrenaline rush was amazing, even if it didn't last forever.

He turned onto the off ramp, slowing down the two of you were now on a dirt road, traversing through the forest. It wasn't dark out just yet, rays of sun peaking at a low angle threw the trees. Eventually the two of you stopped at a clearing. The two of you took your helmets off, hanging them on the bikes that were now turned off.

"Where are we?" You asked him. He shrugged, ruffling out his hair.

"Dunno, kind of thought it'd be nice to explore the woods today. Maybe find something cool." You looked at him confused but decided to go with it.

"Alright, I'm going to act like that doesn't sound like you want to lure me into the woods to kill me," you joked to which he laughed.

"Where do you wanna go from here?" He asked. The clearing was surrounded on all sides with trees, leaving no entry for either of your motorcycles.

You pointed towards the setting sun, knowing that would be an easy waypoint for your way back. He nodded.

Many trips and rock-climbing tree hugging moments later you wound up at a drop off, looking over the edge into a lake about 15 feet below. It wasn't that tall, but you still wouldn't want to fall into the cold water.

He looked over your shoulder and instinctively you leaned back into him. He leaned his lips down to your ear. "You wanna jump in?" Your eyes widened at the thought.

"I don't have a swimsuit," you noted.

"Neither do I." He shrugged.

The two of you starred into the water, you pondered if it would even be deep enough for you to jump into. He playfully nudged you towards the edge causing you to yelp and lean back into him further, pushing your body weight on his. He laughed wrapping his arms around your shoulders.

"I'm joking I'd never do that Chica." He held you tight, although you wished for the moment to last longer, it didn't. "I've got towels in my storage compartment if you wanna go skinny dipping." Your eyes widened, and you stepped away from him, looking at him as if he were insane.

"I'm not going skinny dipping with you, especially this early in the day. No offence." He rolled his eyes, already unzipping his coat.

"Alright, but I've still got towels." You quickly looked away blushing madly as he took the rest of his clothes off.

"Yep, you have fun," you quickly said, staring at a tree, waiting for a splash noise to turn around again. You didn't hear him run off the side like you though you would, instead he walked close to the edge, you didn't want to peak but curiosity got the best of you.

As you were about to look you heard the splash. You quickly rushed over to the edge of the rocks, not able to see him at all. Slowly the seconds ticked by, almost a full minute had passed, and you still couldn't see him.

Nearing two minutes was when you started taking your clothes off, cursing at him and yourself for the who situation.

You grabbed a large rock and a small one with a sharp edge, in case he got caught on seaweed, and you jump.

It took your eyes a second to adjust but eventually you found where he was. You were right, his legs had gotten pretty badly caught in seaweed. With one hand he held onto the rock wall and the other desperately tugged at the plant.

The larger rock almost slipped out of your grip making you panic a little, telling yourself to calm down quickly or neither of you would make it out of this. You swam over to him, dropping the rock and holding onto his legs for support, using the smaller rock to quickly slice through the plant.

You weren't looking, but he was staring at you in shock for your quick thinking. And another reason but he wouldn't say anything when you got him untangled. You made quick work of the vines that had their way around his thighs and swam up to grab his torso and swim to the surface.

Once the two of you were up you heard him cough completely out of breath, trying to suck in at much air as he could. 

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