13-im sorry I don't have a name for this right now

433 11 3

You wouldn't've woken up if it hadn't been for Octavio grumbling and rolling off of you. You leaned your head up looking down as he rubbed his eyes. Before you could move, he laid back down on your stomach, his arms wrapped around your waist while the rest of his body laid to the side of you. 

"Good morning," feeling him jump at your words even though you spoke softly. You giggled and relaxed back into the bed.

"Morning hermosa," he said groggily, he leaned back up. "I was hoping you wouldn't wake up for a while longer." He admitted, looking at you. 

"Oh, what time is it?" You looked around. His monitor wasn't lit up, so the only source was your phone. Which was on the desk. By the monitor. 

"I don't know, what time do you need to be at the bar by?" he asked, turning his head to look up at you. 

"9:30." You stretched your arms above you head and leaned up, he rolled onto your lap, looking up at you, his arms no longer around your waist. 

"When did you fall asleep? "You suddenly asked, realizing that he stayed with you through the night. 

"I think just after you. I don't know what you did but your belly is super comfy." he admitted. You blushed, smiling and looking away. 

"Sorry to say, but you can't lay on my belly anymore, I need to take a shower." You crossed your legs, brushing your hands through your hair. Rolling off you he grumbled and stood up. You blushed as you looked somewhere other than him. 

"Sorry, Chica," he stretched his arms, looking around for a shirt. 

You made you way to the bathroom, not taking too much time in the bedroom. You barely remember falling asleep last night, you do remember him kissing you. And him kissing you again. And again. And honestly you were pretty sure the two of you made out. But you were too tired to remember any of it. 

Somehow, he did. Even tipsy, the feeling of your lips seemed to still be on his mind. He'd never thought something so slow would make his heart race like that. He quickly got a shirt on, heading out the door to the bar while you took a shower. 

Elliott was already out there. It was ten AM already, he felt bad for making you late but surely Elliott would understand. It's not like anyone came to the bar at this time anyway, even on a friday.

"Woah, did expect to see you this early." Elliott noted, leaned against the counter. Octavio tried his best to hide a yawn.

"Yeah, neither did I compadre." he chuckled, stretching his arms out. Elliott cocked his head slightly.

"What were you up to last night?" he asked, eyeing Octavio up and down. "After you left the bar." Octavio sighed, a took a seat at the bar. 

"Nothing." he recalled last night, knowing certainly that nothing hadn't happened, and he in fact almost got stiff from those actions. Out of the corner of his, he saw Elliott's eyes narrow towards him. 

"Mhm. Well, do you happen to know what happened to my bartender?" Elliott asked. Octavio pursed his lips. 

"Taking a shower. sorry for letting her sleep in." He looked over the shelves of alcohol, finding his eyes land on the vodka that Elliott ordered specifically for him. It was the strongest one, and there for the most affective for getting him drunk. He'd never seen anyone else take a swig at it, but somehow all bottles that were ordered per week were gone by the end of it. 

He scolded himself at the thought of it, knowing he drank too much for anyone's liking. I barely did anything to him physically, he knew that. He pushed the thought of asking Elliott for the bottle back. He tried his best to keep himself busy. 

Finally, you came around the corner, your hair still wet. Octavio smiles, straightening his back at the sight of you. You smiled at him, bringing a hand up to put your hair behind you ear. 

Elliott looked from Octavio to you, then back to Octavio. 

"Sorry I'm late, my alarm didn't go off." You looked to Elliott, standing behind the bar with him. He shook his head. 

"No problem." He pursed his lips, waving his hands to dismiss you. Octavio couldn't keep his eyes off you, or the thoughts of last night off his mind. "You have fun last night?" Your brows furrowed.

"I suppose." you said, confusion in your eyes. 

A few minutes later after some conversation with an awfully suspicious look on his face Natelie came walking down the hallway. Octavio smiled at her as she stopped to say hi to you. You smiled and pulled out the drink shaker. 

"Do you want what I made you yesterday?" She nodded happily.

"Oh yes, please, it was lovely." she clasped her hands together on the counter. Elliott went off to do his own thing, messing with his hologram watch. 

"I'm bored," Octavio said a little awkwardly. You smiled sadly but nodded. 

"Have fun," you were grabbing the ingredients when he leaned over the counter and kissed the top of your head before hopping down from the stool and heading out the door.

Natelie stared at you happily, a grin smothered her face as she saw the scene. 

"He kissed you?" she said excited after the door closed. you could hear his bike starting as you nodded.

"I kissed him last night." She waved her hands in their air excited, you giggled at her enthusiasm.

Octavio stopped on the side of the road. He wasn't able to get his mind off of you. He wanted to ask you on an actual date. He wanted to see your smile when you saw him, it wasn't hard to tell you liked him now too. Well, the kiss also helped his tell that you liked him, but besides that. 

He leaned forward, his elbows resting on the gas tank, his hands holding his head up. There was a carnival a town over about 30 miles from here. Did you like carnivals? He hoped so. 

Rushed - Bartender AUWhere stories live. Discover now